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My sister and I are a little out of the ordinary. We have different abilities, but at the end of the day there's only one name for us. Sorcerer, or in modern day they would probably call us witches. There's many things we still don't quite understand about who we are but one thing always remains the same, we must stay together and we must keep moving.

During a black time where the Other Side wants the Light for themselves. These deamons will do anything, and kill anyone in their path just to get it. With the highest ranking SIRO agent on the case, nothing will go wrong... or will it? Love and rank will confront and destroy.

Megan Hunter thought she was an average 15-year-old girl, until her mother moves her to a strange town and she learns she is a princess next in line for the throne.

Queen Aridne gives birth to twins, a girl and a boy. But, Aridne refuses even to look at her daughter and has her thrown out, together with her Midwife Raveni. Gregorian, the court wizard and head of Askabet, takes her and the child is hidden by a family somewhere far away. But, with nine years of age, the life of Mianda changes rapidly and she has to find her way to Askabet. Her only friends at this time are Boomer the rat and Firehoof the centaur. Eventually she reaches her destination, but,

The story of the gaurdian of the sea.Telling how he became gaurdian of the see. Short story 2 of 4 leading up to the real book. Read the first one and look out for the other two plus the book.

You get gift you keep gift. But there are some you never wanted and some you have to keep. Some you can never get rid of. Mines special like a curse. A very bad one. Kara is 14 she needs help desperately.Maybe Gale can help.Who knows? Not Kara of course she doesn't know a thing.

☮Lost and Finding My Way Home☮ How Avéline RavénCrow finds her way home but faces dangerous task when she's reunited with her birth family

As the Blurb said, Cleo is a princess, but doesn't like it, so she plans to run away in the distance and to the woods and adventurous world, Until she meets Mr. and Mrs. Branch. who immediately fall in love with her and think of adopting her, but does her parents think she's lost? or does the Branch couple think she was found?