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in the series finale yugi and kaiba are sent to the shadow realm where they find joey and tristan.

Made this First chapter and have more coming owo so this is just a preview and to see if more people like it i have a page on devianArt now, the use is oracle96

War ravages the land. The power and intelligence clans have been fighting bravely against the rapidly reproducing Humans. Both sides of the conflict have been searching for the great stealth clan, for if they find them, they will be the key to winning the war.

Something like Alice In Wonderland but is far from it.If you want to learn more on Drunk Driving & view pictures of Megan go to the video I created on You Tube. Remember to turn your speakers on.

In a world where geniuses are expected of everyday people, Maiah Keaner struggles to deal with the pressure of completing her test. With her father and brother missing, Maiah realizes that the United Nations may not be who they say they are.

When Jessica nearly gets killed by a familiar wolf, she believes nothing as bad as that can happen. Thats where she's wrong. Jessica just had news that her fathers been killed by someone. Or something. Thats when her life just stops and she's determined to find her fathers killer. On her wat sge meets Alex, the wolf that nearly killed her, and his friend Charlie. What she doesnt know is that they are both werewolves. But when she does she falls for Alex. And Alex falls for her. Suddenly

You all know the story about Pandora’s Box. Pandora was the beautiful woman made of clay to punish Prometheus for giving mortals fire. She was so curious to open the box Zeus gave her and forbid her to open. And when she did she unleashed everything evil into the world. When she shut it she sealed hope inside. Or so the legend goes. But what if that wasn’t the end of the story? What if it was only the beginning?

The county jail is an institution rife with violence and destruction until Rollo Heinz is brought in pending arraignment for burglary. Following a strange vision while waiting to be admitted, he is placed in a cell with "Beautiful" Myron Fleur. Together they hatch a plan to quell the violence, but not every inmate is on board, especially one Zippo Gonzalez.

Dylan isn't your ordinary old cabin boy. No in fact he is what people of the sea life would call a possession. A being with magical powers that can tell time, keep track of days, and can make love like nothing else. Then there is Donovan. A pirate and a captain. Dylan's child hood friend that made a vow to find and protect Dylan. Will it happen or will it all crumble to pieces?