All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗
- Author: William H. Ukers
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Book online «All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗». Author William H. Ukers
New Spring Gardens, 82
Ranelagh, ill., 81, 82, 83
Spring Gardens, 82
Vauxhall, ill., 81, 82
White Conduit House, 83
Garrick, David, 80, 81, 85, 88, 569, 574, 579, 580, 583;
q., 573
Garrick, David (Mrs.), 579
Garrick, Westphal & Co., S.B., 476
Garrison, C.H., 508
Garrondona, J.L., 340
Garth, Sir Samuel, 576, 578
Garthorne, Francis, 601
Garthorne, George, 601, 602
Garway (see Garraway)
Gas roasting, 385, 386
Gaskell, Mrs., 582
Gasser, M.H., 510, 511, 513, 514
Gastronomy as a Fine Art, Brillat-Savarin, q., 557
Gates, H., 505
Gates, John W., 519
Gates & Co., A.B., 508
Gaudet, pat., 623, 699
Gaudron, 543
Gautier, Théophile, 98, 102, 565
Gazette, London, newsp., 585
Gazette de France, per., q., 8
Gay, John, q., 575, 577
Gee, Edward, pat., 634
Geiger, Frank J., 509
Geiger-Fishback Co., 509
Geiger-Tinney Co., 508, 509
Gelabert, José Antonio, 9
Gemaleddin, Sheik, 16, 541
Genius fostered by c., 557
Geographical distribution, 189–195
George III, 106, 117, 583
George V, 601
George & Co., P.T., 485
Georgi, Theophilo, 45, 433
Gephart, q., 180
Gerard, (French minister), 130
German Trading Co., 527
Germicidal properties, 180
Germination, 5, 138
Gérôme, Jean Léon, 591, 656
Ghiradelli & Co., D., 505
Giacomini, Luigi, pat., 648
Gibbon, Edward, 81, 583
Gilbert, Colgate, 494
Gilbert & Co. Colgate, 498
Gillet, Frère, 144
Gillett, A.B., 508
Gilles, E.J., q., 408
Gillies, James W., 495;
biog., 494
Gillies, Wright, 497;
biog., 494
Gillies & Bro., Wright, 494, 495, 499
Gillies & Co. Inc., E.J., 495, 499, 501
Gillies Coffee Co., 494, 495, 499
Gilman, George F., 479, 485
Gimborn, Theo. von, 638;
pat., 639
Glazes and coatings, 170
Arbuckle's patent, 522
Effects, 167
Italy, 686
Machinery, 396
Glines, J.T. & N., 501
Globe Mills, 496, 497, 499, 526
Gloria, Café, 683
Glover, Force & Co., 482
Glyceral as sweetening, 165
Glynn, Martin J., 482
Glynn & Co., Martin J., 482
Godey's Lady's Book, per., q., 711
Goed Vrouw, v., 317
Goetzinger, M.E., q., 521
Gold and Silversmiths' Soc., 609
Golden Gate (brand), 441
Golden Sun (brand), 441
Golden Wedding (brand), 441
Golden West (brand), 441
Goldoni Carlo, 28, 555, 588;
q., 556
Goldsmith, Oliver, 80, 81, 85, 88, 568, 574, 579, 582, 584
"Retaliation", 573
Goldtree, Liebes & Co., 488
Goldsworthy, William G., pat. 702
Goodhousekeeping, per., q., 175, 176, 182
Gomez, Juan Antonio, 9, 221
Gordon, Douglas, pat., 248
Gordon, Fred P., 478
Gordon, G.O., 485, 486
Gordon, John, pat., 246
Gordon & Co., Fred P., 478
Gordon & Co., Geo. O., 486
Gordon & Co., John, 246
Gorter, q., 156, 159, 160
Gothot, Ferd., 639
Gottlieb, 185
Gould (chemist), q., 167, 168
Gould, George J., 519
Gouverneur, Isaac, 475
Gouverneur, Nicholas, 475
Gourewitsch, q., 176
Gout, strange remedy for, 182
Government (brand), 434
Government control, War-time, 338, 474, 534–538
Government Monopoly
Java, 213, 214
Netherlands E. Ind., 44, 283, 312
Grace & Co., W.R., 442, 482, 488, 489
Grade, Basic (N.Y. Exch.), 329, 335
Graders (N.Y. Exch.), 333
Grades, 258
Colombia, 260
Mocha, 351
New York, 329
Porto Rico, 264
São Paulo, 260
U.S. (prohibited), 337
Brazil, 304, 306
Hand, 258
Machinery, 246–248, 258, 383
Machine (Van Gulpen's), 638
New York Exchange, 333
Santos, 304
Grafe, q., 164
Grafting (see Propagation)
Gragé (see Peaberry)
Graham, q., 153
Gram, pat., 158
Grand concern of England explained, pamph., 72
Grandin, 708
Granger & Co., 508
Granger & Hodge, 508
Grant, U.S., 563
Grassy (see Flavors)
Gray, Arthur, q., 552, 553, 713
Gray, Louis R., 446
Gray, Thomas, 80
Great American Tea Co., 479, 499
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 417, 479, 485, 499
Premiums, 429
Great Boom (see Booms), 528, 529
Great London Tea Co., 435
Greeks of the Present Day, About, q., 685
Green, William, 492
Green coffee marks, ill., 338, 340
Green Dragon c. urn, 613, 614
Greene, Richard A., pat., 652, 653
Greenwood, Paul, 71
Gregory, chk., 93
Grenier, Dufougeret, 9
Grever & Bro., 501
Grévy, François Paul Jules, 566
Griebel, q., 159
Griffiths & Co., J., 508
Grigor & Co., T.S., 508
Arabia, 658–662
Australia, 692
Greece, 685
England, 695, 696, 704, 705
Greece, 685
United States, 711
Steel cut, 714
New Zealand, 692
Grinding and packing, 167, 168
Grinding machinery, 400–402, 615–654
Chronology, 643–654
Burstone Mills, 637
France, 680
Greece, 685
Household, 615–620
First French patent, 625
Grinding machines
Book's (1665), 617
Bronson's patent (1903), 647
Bruff's patent (1798), 621
Clark's hand-mill (1832), 625
Colaux's patent (1829), 625
Dearman's patent (1779), 621
Electric (first, 1897), 471
First English patent, 634
First U.S. patent, 468, 621
Herbert's patent (1848), 634
Kenrich's mill (1815), 624
Lacoux' combined roaster and grinder, 625, 627
Moore's mill (1813), 623
Morgan's glass-Jar mill, 645
Hand mills, 644, 645
N.C.R.A. Home Mill (1915), ill., 652, 714
Parker's hand mill (1832), 625
Rittenhouse's hand-mill, 627
Selden's hand-mill (1831), 625
Stillman's "mica window", 627
Stowe's hand mill, 644
Strowbridge's box mill, 644
Turkish combination, 670
Van Vliet's hand mill, 634
Webb's box mill (1878), 644
Wilson's steel mill (1818), 623
Dell's store mill, 644
Morgan's patent (1919), 653
Barbor mill, 637
Burns's granulator, 637, 652
Ideal steel-cut mill (1916), 652
Knickerbocker (1882), 645
Grinds, 401, 402
Coarse and fine compared, 167
Comparative test (1917), 716
Definitions, 714
Greek preferences, 685
Irregular (King's patent), 167, 402, 474, 716
Griswold, H.F., 502
Grocer helps, 412
Grocers Engineering and Whitmee, Ltd., 640, 641, 642
Grocers, Retail, no. in U.S., 415
Grocery stores, 422, 423
Model c. departments, 415, 418
Groff & Co., Charles R., 508
Grohens, A.P., 646, 649
Gros, 589
Gross, March & Co., 479
Grossman, George A., 506
Grossman, William, 506
Grossman & Co., William, 506
Grossman Co., Wm., 506
Groundy (see Flavors)
Growths, French preferences, 680
Gruner, Siegfried, 478
Gruner & Co., 530
Gruner & Co., S., 478
Gruppe, Charles P., 593
Guadeloupes (c.), 350, 363
Guam c., 355, 375
Guardian (Lond.), per., 80;
q., 576
Guardiola, José, pat., 247
Guatemalas (c.), 347, 359, 360
Guildhall museum, 62, 602
Guillasse, Dr., q., 181
Guineas (c.), 353, 378
Gump Company, B.F., 474, 652
Gutteridge, Mary, chk., 108
Gutteridge, Robert chk., 108
Guy, Francis, 593
G. Washington's Prepared (brand), 538
Gwynn (architect), 584
Haas, Kalman, 482
Haas Bros, 482, 488
Haase, Heinrich, 484
Habit-forming: c. is not, 176, 186
Habitat, 133, 291
Hacendado Mex. El, q., 156
Haciendas (see Plantations)
Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., H., 488
Haddon, q., 159
Hadrot, pat.,
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