All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗
- Author: William H. Ukers
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Book online «All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗». Author William H. Ukers
Haebler & Co., 485
Haehnlen Bros., 508
Haeussler, August, 480
Hagar, 18
Hahnemann, Samuel, q., 175
Haimi-Harazi c., 351, 368
Haitis (c.), 350, 362
Hakimani, 17
Hakluyt Society, 1, 2
Half difference, 321
Halifax, Lord, 577
Hall, G.M., 502
Hall, I.W., q., 184
Hall, Robert (Rev.), 556
Hall & Co., Martin L., 501
Halla, Wm., 488
Halley, Dr., 582
Halligan, T.F., 513
Hallmarks, 601, 602, 607
Hals, Frans, 587
Halsey, R.T. Haines, 607, 609
Halstead, Charles, pat., 470, 644
Hamakua c., 356, 375
Hamberger-Polhemus Co., 488
Hamill, David B., 509
Hamill, Smith, 509
Hamill & Co., S., 508, 509
Hamilton Alexander, 130;
duel, 123
Hamilton, Duke of, 572
Hamlin, Mary P., 130;
q., 556
Hamor, W.A., pat., 406, 539
Hamsley, M.F., pat., 642
Hanauer, Herman, 482
Hanauer, Moses G., 482
Hanausek, q., 147, 159
Handbills, 432–435
First (Rosée's, 1652), 54
Handbook of Medical Science, q., 182
Handbuch der Physiologie, q., 177
Hanley, John, 480
Hanley & Co., Geo. F., 508
Hanley & Kinsella, 480
Hanley & Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co., 485, 502
Hannes, Edward, 572
Harari c., 353, 376
Harari longberry c., 353
Hard, Anson Wales, 480
Hard & Rand, 477, 480, 484
Pacific Mail strs. chartered, 486
Harding, Warren G. (Mrs.), 567
Hare, q., 183
Hargreaves, C.F., pat., 247
Harkness, q., 176
Harley, 573
Harnack, 158
Harper's Weekly, q., 16
Harriman, E.H., 519
Harrington, Elizabeth, 614
Harrington, James, 60
Harris (actor), 574
Harris, Benj., 108
Harris, Samuel L., 492
Harris, Wm. B., 390, 492, 716
Harrison, D.Y., 503, 629
Harrison, W.H., 503
Harrison & Co., W.H., 503
Harrison & Wilson, 503
Harsh Santos c., 341
Hartford Steam Coffee & Spice Mills, 508
Hartwich, q., 147
Hart & Howell, 477
Harvard University
Bureau of Business Research 418, 428
Harvest time, 249, 250
Harvey, Eliab, 40
Harvey, Gideon, q., 58
Harvey, William, 40
Harwood, 581
Hassey, Cornelius, 492
Hatch & Jenks, 508
Hatches, Major, chk., 112
Hatfield c. pots, 607
Hatton, Edward, q., 54
Haulenbeek, Jr., John W., 497
Haulenbeek, Sr., John W., 497
Haulenbeek, Peter 494, 497, 499
Haulenbeek & Co., John W., 497
Haulenbeek & Mitchell, 499
Haulenbeek Roasting & Milling Co., 499
Havemeyer, Henry O., 506, 521, 523
Havemeyers, The, 470
Hawaiian c., 355, 375
Hawk, Philip B., q., 177, 182
Hawkins, Sir John, q., 579
Hawkins, Thomas, 505
Hawkins & Thornton, 505
Haworth & Dewhurst, 507
Haydon, 84, 583
Haye, de la, 31
Hayes, John (and Mrs.), 505
Hayman, 583
Hayward, George W., 508
Hayward, Martin, 501
Hayward & Co., 501
Hazlitt, Carew W., q., 28
Hazlitt, William, 557
Heading, 389
Health, Effect on, 174–188
Favorable 23, 38, 42, 72, 557, 558, 562
Unfavorable, 38, 46
Health and longevity through Rational Diet, Lorand, q., 182
Heart, Effect on, 181
Hébert, 94
Hedging, 329, 335
Heekin, Albert E., 503
Heekin, James, 503
Heekin, James J., 503
Heekin, Robert E., 503
Heekin & Co., James, 503
Heekin Co., 503
Heekin Co., James, 503, 651
Heekin Co., James J., 503
Heekin Spice Co., 503
Hekem, chk., 19
Hekteon, q., 178
Helen (of Troy), 12
Hellmann Bros. & Co., 487, 488
Hellsten, q., 186
Hemileia vastatrix (see Diseases)
Henckel, James, pat., 245
Hendershot, Peter, 508
Henneman, Karel F., pat., 639, 640
Henrici, F.H., 511
Henrion, pat., 621
Henry IV, 60
Hentz & Co., Henry, 482
Herald, New York, newsp., q., 185
Herald of Health, per., q., 181
Herbert, Luke, pat., 634
Herbert, Sir Thomas, 1, 2, 543;
q., 38
Herklotz, Corn & Co., 482
Hertford, Countess of, 570
Hess, H.P., 508
Hewitt, Jr., Robert, 557
Hewitt, Jr., Robert C., 480
Hewitt, H.H., 507
Hewitt & Phyfe, 480
Hickey, 574
Hidey (see Flavors)
High roast, 388
Higgins & Co., Geo. W., 501
Hignette, pat., 640
Hildreth, A.G., 480
Hill, John (Dr.), 576, 580
Hill Bros., 471
Hill, Dwinell & Co., 501
Hill & Thornley, 501
Hillis Plantation Co., 501
Hinchman & Howard, 508
Hind, Rolph & Co., 488
Hinkle, Henry, 501
Hinz, F.W., 503
Hippocrates, 11, 12
Hire Co., Charles G., 539
Hires' Soluble (brand), 539
Hirsch, q., 186
Historia Vitae et Mortis, Bacon, q., 38, 543
History and Antiquities of the City of Boston, Drake, q., 108
History and Reminiscences of Lower Wall Street, Wakeman, 478
Historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, Anderson, 72
History of Am. Manufactures, Bishop, q., 105, 115, 125
History of Literature, Routh, q., 561
History (of Phila.), Scharf & Westcott, q., 126
Hlasiwetz, q., 159, 165
Hobart Electric Mfg. Co., 646, 652
Hobart Mfg. Co., 646
Hobson-Jobson, q., 1, 2
Hoch, q., 186
Hodges, Alderman, 53, 54
Hodges, Dr., 58
Hodhat, Kadhi, q., 663
Hoepner, 472
Hoffman, Daniel H., 505
Hoffman, Lee & Co., 485
Hogarth, William, 80, 84, 576, 578, 579, 581, 583, 587, 593
Holbrook, E.F., 539
Holland (see Netherlands)
Holland, Charles H., 501
Holland Coffee Co., 497, 501
Hollingworth, H.L., q., 176, 185, 186
Caffein investigations 187, 188
Holman & Co., 509
Holmes, F.T., 471, 472, 641, 642;
pat., 643
Holstad, S., 509
Holstad, S.H., 514
Holstad & Co., S., 509
Holstad & Co., S.H., 443
Home, Chamberlain, q., 563
Home Economics Laboratories, Un. of Kansas, 714
Home, Life of, Mackenzie, q., 86
Homer, 12
Homeyer, H.L., 510
Honduras c., 347, 360
Honey in c., 105
Hookah, 668
Hoole, 575
Hoopes, B.F., 508
Hoover, Herbert, 536, 537
Hope, G.W., pat., 649
Horace, 543
Horn, William L., 509
Horner & Co., Henry, 502
Horter, John, 506
Hotel Astor (brand), 441, 465
Cecil, ill., 675
Piccadilly, 675
Richardson's, 576
Sabloniere, 583
Savoy, ill., 675, 677
Tavistock, 580
Waldorf, ill., 675
New York
Ambassador, 691
Astor House, 690
City, 121
Waldorf-Astoria, 690, 691
Mansion House, 130
Houghton, q., 40
Houghton's collection (1698), q., 54
House-boat coffee house, 89
Howard, q., 159
Howell, James, 40;
q., 58
Howell, Son & Co., B.H., 479
Howells, William Dean, q., 548, 549, 567
Howland & Aspinwall, 476
Hoyt & Co., W.M., 485, 502
Huatusco c., 345, 358
Huber & Stendel, 508
Hubner, pat., 162
Hudson, D.D., 507
Hudson, Thomas, 84, 584
Hudson & Co., H.C., 507
Hudson-Fulton celebration, 607
Hudson Mills, 497
Huestis & Hamilton, 508
Hughes, Charles E., 332
Hugo, Victor, 98, 565
Hull, John, 607
Hulling machinery, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 256
Bucket and beam crusher, 260
Costa Rica, 264
First U.S. patent, 245, 469
Smout's, 257
Hulls, beverage from, 655, 658, 694
(See Husks)
Hulls and pulp, beverage from, 15
Hulman, H., 508
Humboltiana, C., 147
Caffein content, 161
Hume (pseud. of Voltaire), 556
Humphrey, chk., 121
Humphreys, H.M., 482
Humphry (appr. to Bowman), 54
Hungerford, G.S., pat., 644
Hungerford, G.W., pat., 644
Hungerford Co., 644
Hunt, Leigh, 550, 557;
q., 562, 578
Hunt, Mathew, 503, 631
Huntington, L.M., q., 155
Huntley Mfg. Co., 248, 472, 642, 643
Huntoon & Towner, 501
Hurd, Jacob, 612
Husks, beverage from, 26,
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