All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗
- Author: William H. Ukers
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Book online «All About Coffee - William H. Ukers (best novel books to read .TXT) 📗». Author William H. Ukers
Schumberg, q., 186
Schürhoff, q., 185
Schurtzkwer, 185
Schwartz, Joseph M., 521
Schwartz Bros., 488
Schweitzer & Co., M., 488
Scialdi, 14
Scolfield, Henry, pat., 247
Scott, Andrew, q., 85
Scott, Edwin, 499
Scott, Sir Walter, q., 573, 574, 579
Scott, William, 479
Scott & Dash, 479
Scott & Meiser, 479
Scott & Sons, William, 479
Scott, Dash & Co., 479
Scott, Meiser & Co., 479
Scott's Sons & Co., William, 479
Scotty, C. (chef), 691
Scriba, Schroppel & Starmen, 475
Scribner's Magazine, q., 664
Scudder, Gale Gro. Co., 485
Scull, William S., 509
Scull & Co., W.S., 508
Scull Co., William S., 509
Sculpture, C. in, 599
Seal (brand), 435, 441, 465
Secchi, 558
Seelye, Frank R., 511, 513
Segundo (grade), 261, 264
Seidell, q., 160
Seifert, q., 185
Selby, Thomas, chk., 112
Selden, David, pat., 625
Seligsberg, Louis, 478
Selim I, 18, 19, 49
Selling chart, 409
Semarang c., 355, 373
Sencial, q., 156
Sené, pat., 623, 625, 699
Sense of Taste, The, Hollingworth and Poffenberger, q., 723
Separating machinery, 383
Sephton, Geoffrey, q., 552
Service, C., 31
Arabia, 658–663, 695
Artistic and historic, 599–614, 619, 620, 621
Britannia ware, etc., 619
Clay bowls, first, 616
English, c.-pots (1714–70), 620, 621
Lantern c.-pots, 602, 619
Sèvres c.-pots, 607
Sheffield-plate c.-pots, 607
Silver c.-pots (18th cent.), 619
Sino-Lowestoft c.-pot, 607
London cafés and restaurants, 674
Oriental c.-pots, 619
Netherlands, 686
New York hotels, 691
Paris (Pascal's, 1672), 619
Turkish, 602, 617, 621, 695
Seven Truths to Teach the Young in Regard to Life and Sex, Abbey, q.,
Sèvres c.-pots, 607
Seymour, Mark T., pat., 648
Shade, C.-growing under, 133
Arabia, 197
Guam, 242
Guatemala, 219
Hawaii, 241
Requirements, 201
Shadli, Shaomer (see Schadheli), 2
Shami c., 351, 368
Shapleigh Coffee Co., 501
Sharki c., 351, 368
Shaw, Daniel A., 480
Shaw, John W., 492
Shaw, William, 612
Shaw's Louisiana Coffee and Spice Mills, 505
Sheaff, Henry, 475
Sheffield plate c.-pots, 607
Sheldon, Henry, 479
Sheldon & Co., Henry, 478, 479
Sheldon Banks & Co., 479
Shemsi, chk., 19, 668
Shenstone, q., 584
Shephard, Fleetwood, q., 584
Shepherd, T.H., 593
Sheppard, Alexander, 501
Sheppard & Sons, Inc., Alex., 501
Sherbet, 562
London c. houses sell, 61
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 80;
q., 581
Sherif-Eddin-Omar-ben-Faredh, q., 543
Sherley, Sir Anthony, 35, 543
Sherman, Fred, 506
Sherman, Fred T., 477, 482
Sherman, Henry B., 506
Sherman, Lewis, 506, 514
Sherman, Jr., Lewis, 506
Sherman, Milo P., 506
Sherman, S.S., 506
Sherman, William, 506
Sherman, William H., 506
Sherman, William M., 506
Sherman, William T. (Gen.), 563
Sherman & Taylor, 477
Sherman Bros. & Co., 485, 502, 506
Shewbert, John, chk., 126
Shewbert, Mrs., chk., 126
Shields & Boucher, 507
Shihâb-ad-Dîn manuscript, 542
Shinkle, Wilson & Kreis Co., 484, 485
Shipping Board, U.S., 338
Shipping c., 312–327
Brazil, 306
American vessels, 515
Colombia, 314, 315
Iron steamships (1868), 476
Longest voyage, 316
Santos, 312, 314
Time-table, port to port, 316
Shipping ports, principal, 191
Shope, W.C., 502
Shortt, Everett T., pat., 647
Shrinkage, 389, 391
Roasting, 388
Table (green c.), 393
Shubert (see Shewbert)
Sias, Charles D., 501
Siddons, Mrs., 569
Siegfried, John C., 506
Siegfried & Brandenstein, 505, 506
Siegman, John G., 507
Sielcken, Hermann, 473, 482, 511, 518, 519, 520, 523, 531;
biog., 517, 521
Valorization, 530–534
Woolson Spice Co., 506
Sielcken, Hermann (Mrs.), 518
Sielcken-Crossman contract, 519
Sierra c., 345, 359
Signs, Coffee-house
London, 602, 603
Bowman's, 54
Morat (Amurath), 62
Rosée's, 54
Soliman, 62
New York, 117, 124
King's Arms, 124
Signs, Grocers'
Lowell, Ebenezer (New York), 467
Richards, Smith (New York), 124
Silver c.-pots, 619
Silver skin, 136, 138
Silversmiths, American, 609, 612
Silversmiths Society, 612
Simmonds, W. Lee, 478
Simmonds & Bayne, 478
Simmonds & Co., H., 478
Simmonds & Co., W. Lee, 478
Simmonds & Newton, 478
Simon, Jr., M., pat., 167
Simonds H., 478
Sinclair, Evans & Elliot, 508
Singleton, Esther, q., 105, 115, 709
Sinnot, J.B., 505
Sino-Lowestoft c.-pot, 607
Sion & Co., 340
Sir Antoine Shirlies Trauelles, Parry, q., ill., 38
Sirups (see Syrups)
Sizing (see Grading), 258
Skiddy, Francis, 479
Skiddy, Minford & Co., 479, 485, 530
Skinner, Cyriac, 60
"Skyscraper" coffee house, 112, 113
Slacks, 322
Slave auctions, Phila., ill., 128
Slemmons & Conkling, 508
Sloane, Sir Hans, 86, 543, 582
Sloss, Robert, q., 531
Slow roast, 387
Small, C.K., 477, 480
Small, John, 480
Small Bros. & Co., 477, 479, 480
Smalls & Bacon, 480
Smart, Joseph F., pat., 653
Smith, Adam, 81, 583
Smith, Clarence 480
Smith, Daniel, chk., 129
Smith, Frank, 499
Smith, George H., 501
Smith, John (Capt.), 105, 543,;
q., 36
Smith, John Thomas, 583;
q., 569
Smith, Michael E., 503
Smith, Mrs., chk., 119
Smith, Nathaniel, 584
Smith, Robert, 501
Smith, Robert A., 501
Smith, Sidney, q., 567
Smith, William T., 501
Smith, William V.R., 523, 524
Smith & Co., D., 476
Smith & Co., Thomas, 700
Smith & Curtis, 507
Smith & McKenna, 505
Smith & McNell, 494
Smith & Schipper, 485
Smith & Son, Robert, 501
Smith & Son, Thomas, 637, 639, 699
Smith & Sons, Robert, 501
Smith Bros. & Co., 505
Smith Bros., 486
Smith Bros. & Co. Ltd., 505
Smith's Sons, M.V.R., 480
Smith's Sons, Robert, 501
Smoke screens (Guatemala), 219
Smollett, 559
Smooth (see Flavors)
Smout, Jules, pat., 248
Smyser, Henry L., 523;
pat., 470
Sobieranski, q., 186
Sobieski, King John, 49
Sociedade Promotora da Defesa do Café, 446
Société de Café Soluble Belna, 539
Société Generale, 532, 534
Society of Antiquaries, 602
Society of the Friends of Music, 597
Soda fountains, 689
Australia, 238
Best, 198, 201
Brazil, 198, 205
Costa Rica, 225
Federated Malay States, 238
Venezuela, 212
Soliman Aga, 91
Soliman the Great, 18, 19
Sollmann, q., 182, 183
Soluble coffee, 404, 406
Brands, 470, 538, 539
History of, 538, 539
Kato's patent, 471
Processes, 169
U.S. Army war needs, 539
Washington's patent, 471
Soluble Coffee Co., 539
Somers, A.L., 507
Songs of Brittany, 548
Sons of Liberty, 120
Sorenson, John S., 520
Sorenson & Nielson, 482, 520
Sorley, William, 480, 491
Sorting machinery, 245
Sorver, Damon & Co., 485
Soulie, 102
Soup, Coffee, 177
Sour (see Flavors)
South Sea bubble, 571, 572
Southern boom (1904), 530
Southern Coffee Mills, Inc., 505
Southern Coffee Polishing Mills, 505
Southern Cross, v., 316
Southern Pacific Co., 489
Souvestre, Emile, q., 565
Spatula (see Roasting machinery), 616
Specialty stores, 415, 421
Spectator, per., 75, 80, 85, 88, 558, 573, 584;
q., 86, 87, 560, 561, 572, 575, 582
Spencer, G.L., q., 165
Sperry Flour Co., 488
Spice Mill, per., 470, 526, 527
Spice-Mill Companion, 427
Splitting nickels, 427
Spot brokers, 336, 337
Spot of leaf and
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