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& Potter, 494

Williams & Taft, 507

Williams, Chapin & Russell, 478

Williams, Dimmond & Co., 488

Williams, Russell & Co., 477, 478, 535

Williamson, C.G., q., 62

Williamson, Peregrine, pat., 468, 624

Williamson, S.H., 498

Willis, Thomas, q., 58

Wills & Co., Alexander, 508

Willson, Wm. B., 485

Wilson, Increase, pat., 623

Wilson, Woodrow, 534, 535

Wilson & Bowers, 480

Wilson & Co., J.W., 480

Wimmer, pat., 162, 473

Windbreaks, 201

Window-displays, 425

Window-trimming contest, 455

C. classed as, 1, 17, 20
C. a substitute for, 15, 42
Made from fruit, 15
Made from hulls and pulp, 693

Wing Bros. & Hart, 498

Winter, H., pat., 158, 167

Winter & Smilie, 482

Winthrop, Gov., 109

Winton, Andrew L., q., 150

Wise, Capt., 128

Withington, Elijah, biog., 492

Withington & Pine, 492

Withington & Wilde, 492

Withington, Francis & Welch, 492

Withington, Wilde & Welch., 494

Witsen, Nicolaas, 6, 43

Wittenagemott, 582

Wogan, Sir Charles, 575

Wolf & Seligsberg, 478

Wolff. L., 485

Wolseley, Viscountess, 604

Women as coffee sellers, 56

Women's petition against c., The, pamph., ill., 70, 71

Wood, Jr., H.C., q., 176, 185

Wood, Jarvis A., q., 431

Woods, Rufus, 485

Wood, Thomas R., pat., 634

Wood & Co., Thomas, 501

Woodward (actor), 579, 580

Woolson, A.M., 506, 523

Woolson Spice Co., 503, 506, 521, 523

World War effects
Arabia, 268
Consumption, 289
Guatemala, 219
Mexico, 222
United States trade, 534–538
Imports, 286
San Francisco, 325
World trade, 190–195, 294, 296

World's Commercial Products, The, Freeman, q., 133

World's Work, per., q., 531, 532

Worth, J.G., 499

Wright, q., 167

Wright, George C., 501

Wright, George S., 448, 501, 629

Wright, John S., 482, 491

Wright, John T., 488

Wright, Warren M., 501

Wright Hard & Co., 482

Wrightsville Hardware Co., 644

Wroth, Warwick, q., 82, 83

Wurffbain, 43

Württemberg, Duke of, 47

Wyatt, Charles, pat., 621, 699

Wycherly, 575

Wyld, F. Lehnhoff, 538

XXXX (brand), 44

Yaffey c., 351, 368

Yarrow, Mrs., chk., 555

Yates & Dudley, 508

Yellow fever, effect of c. on, 182

Yemeni c., 351, 368

Yorke, Duke of, 554

Young, Arthur, q., 100

Young, D.K., 482

Young, Samuel, 507

Young, Mahood & Co., 507

Young-Mahood Co., 507

Youngs & Amman, 477

Yuban (brand), 441,

462, 524

Yuban advertising, 462–465

Yuengling, D.G., 508

Yungas c., 350, 367

Zamore, 590

Zamzam, 18

Zanzibar c., 353, 377

Zarf (cup-stand), 661

Zecchini, G.B., 549

Zenetz, q., 185

Ziegler Arctic expedition, 538

Zilmore & Co., A.G., 508

Zinmeister Sr., Frank, 505

Zinsmeister, Jacob, 505

Zinsmeister, L.G., q., 389

Zinmeister & Son, Frank, 505

Zinmeister & Sons, J., 505

Zola, Emile, 103, 565

Zoller & Little, 508

Zwaardecroon, Henrious, 6

Zwick, Charles, 505

Coffee Pot


[1] First written about tea; improperly claimed to have been written of coffee.

[2] First written about tea; improperly claimed to have been written of coffee.

[3] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895 (p. 55).

[4] Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traités Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, du Thé, et du Chocolat. Lyons, 1684.

[5] Coffee covered with the skin is called boun, and the coffee-tree, boun-tree (sejar et boun).

[6] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan.

[7] Notice must be taken of the similarity in the names of coffee in Hindustan and Abyssinia, and of the name of the coffee-tree as given by ancient authors.

[8] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan.

[9] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan.

[10] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan.

[11] See note 3 above.

[12] Legal and Houri mean tree.

[13] Legal and Houri mean tree.

[14] North-American Indian.

[15] La Roque, Jean. Voyage de l'Arabie Heureuse. Paris, 1716.

[16] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895. (p. 102).

[17] Année Littéraire. Paris, 1774 (vol. vi: p. 217).

[18] Franklin, Alfred. La Vie Privée d'Autrefois. Paris, 1893.

[19] Michaud, I.F. and L.G. Biographie Universelle. Paris.

[20] Daney, Sidney. Histoire de la Martinique. Fort Royal, 1846.

[21] Inauguration du Jardin Desclicux. Fort de France, 1918.

[22] Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traités Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, du Thé, et du Chocolat. Lyons, 1684. (Title page has Traitez; elsewhere, Traités.)

[23] Robinson, Edward Forbes. The Early History of Coffee Houses in England. London, 1893.

[24] Encyclopedia Britannica. 1910. (vol. xv: p. 291.)

[25] Galland, Antoine. Lettre sur l'Origine et le Progres du Café. Paris, 1699.

[26] The Abd-al-Kâdir manuscript is described and illustrated in chapter XXXII.

[27] Rauwolf, Leonhard. Aigentliche beschreibung der Raisis so er vor diser zeit gegen auffgang inn die morgenlaender volbracht. Lauwingen, 1582–83.

[28] Della Valle, Pierre (Pietro). De Constantinople à Bombay, Lettres. 1615. (vol. i: p. 90.)

[29] "She mingled with the wine the wondrous juice of a plant which banishes sadness and wrath from the heart and brings with it forgetfulness of every woe."

[30] Scheuzer, J.J. Physique Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible. Amsterdam, 1732, 1737.

[31] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895.

[32] La Roque, Jean. Voyage dans l'Arabie Heureuse, de 1708 à 1713, et Traité Historique du Café. Paris, 1715. (pp. 247, 251.)

[33] Adjam, by many writers wrongly rendered Persia.

[34] Scheuzer, J.J. Physique Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible. Amsterdam, 1732, 1737.

[35] Harper's Weekly. New York, 1911. (Jan. 21.)

[36] Nairon, Antoine Faustus. De Saluberrimá Cahue seu Café nuncupata Discursus. Rome, 1671.

[37] de Sacy, Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre. Chresto-nathie Arabe. Paris, 1806. (vol. ii: p. 224.)

[38] Olearius, Adam. An Account of His Journeys. London, 1669.

[39] Niebuhr, Karstens. Description of Arabia. Amsterdam, 1774. (Heron trans., London, 1792: p. 266.)

[40] A Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, 1745. (vol. iv: p. 690.)

[41] Molmenti, Pompeo. La Storia di Venezia nella Vita Privata. Bergamo, 1908. (pt. 3: p. 245.)

[42] Goldoni, Carlo. La Bottega di Caffè. 1750.

[43] Hazlitt, W. Carew. The Venetian Republic. London, 1905, (vol. 2: pp. 1012–15.)

[44] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895. (p. 16.)

[45] "Drop by drop they take it in," said Cotovicus.

[46] Misprinted thus in the original Dutch and here. Read Chaoua, i.e., Arabic qahwah.

[47] Laurel berry, of which the taste is bitter and disagreeable. From Latin bacca lauri.

[48] Arabic, bunn; coffee berries.

[49] Brandewijn in original Dutch.

[50] Mead.

[51] Purchas His Pilgrimes. London, 1625.

[52] Sandys, Sir George. Sandys' Travels. London, 1673. (p. 66.)

[53] Bacon, Francis. Sylva Sylvarum. London, 1627. (vol. v: p. 26.)

[54] Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford, 1632. (pt. 2: sec. 5: p. 397.) This reference does not appear in the earlier editions of 1621, 24, 28.

[55] Herbert, Sir T. Travels. London, ed. 1638. (p. 241.)

[56] Blount, Sir Henry. A Voyage Into the Levant. London. 1671. (pp. 20, 21, 54, 55, 138, 139.)

[57] Gilbert, Gustav. The Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens. London, 1895. (p. 69.)

[58] Aubrey, John. Lives of Eminent Men. London, 1813. (vol. ii: pt. 2: pp. 384–85.)

[59] Works. (vol. iv: p. 389.)

[60] à Wood, Anthony. Athenae Oxonienses. London, 1692. (vol. ii: col. 658.)

[61] Parkinson, John. Theatrum Botanicum. London, 1640. (p. 1622.)

[62] D'Israeli, I. Curiosities of Literature. London, 1798. (vol. i: p. 345.)

[63] A weight of from 133 to 140 pounds.

[64] See chapter XXXII.

[65] Vulcaren,. John Peter A. Relation of the Siege of Vienna. 1684.

[66] Bermann, M. Alt und Neu Wien. Vienna, 1880. (p. 964.)

[67] Manuscript in the Bodleian Library.

[68] See also chapter XXVIII.

[69] The Romance of Trade. London. (chap. ii; p. 31.)

[70] Pasqua Rosée's sign. Kitt's (or Bowman's) sign was a coffee pot.

[71] Hatton, Edward. New View of London. London, 1708. (vol. i: p. 30.)

[72] The prosecution came under the heading, "Disorders and Annoys."

[73] Rumsey (or Ramsey), W. Organon Salutis. London, 1657.

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