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let's! I'd love to have your homunculus,and then we could keep it like a dachshund. It's easy, the booksays: you just have to collect a little human seed in a test tube.That wouldn't be hard for you¡Xdon't blush, silly. Then you mix itwith hip-pomene, which is some liquid that is excreted¡Xno, notexcreted¡Xwhat's the word?"

"Secreted," Diotallevisuggested.

"Really? Anyway,pregnant mares make it. I realize that's a bit harder to get. If Iwere a pregnant mare, I wouldn't like

Ceople coming to collectmy hippomene, especially strangers, ut I think you can buy it inpackages, like joss sticks. Then you put it all in a pot and let itsteep for forty days, and little by little you see a tiny form takeshape, a fetus thing, which in another two months becomes a dearlittle homunculus, and he comes out and puts himself at yourservice. And they never die. Imagine: they'll even put flowers onyour grave after you're dead!"

"What about thecustomers in those bookshops?" "Fantastic people, people who talkwith angels, people who make gold, and professional sorcerers withfaces exactly like professional sorcerers..."

"What's the face of aprofessional sorcerer like?" "An aquiline nose, Russian eyebrows,piercing eyes. The hair is long, like painters in the old days, andthere's a beard, not thick, with bare patches between the chin andthe cheeks, and the mustache droops forward and falls in clumpsover their lips, but that's only natural, because their lips arethin, poor things, and their teeth stick out. They shouldn't smile,with those teeth, but they do, very sweetly, but the eyes¡XI saidthey were piercing, didn't I?¡Xlook at you in an unsettling way.""Facies hermetica," Diotallevi remarked. "Really? Well, youunderstand, then. When somebody comes in and asks for a book, say,of prayers against evil spirits, they immediately suggest the righttitle to the bookseller, and, of course, it's always a title hedoesn't have in stock. But then, if you make friends and ask if thebook works, they smile again, indulgently, as if they were talkingto children, and they say that with this sort of thing you have tobe quite careful. They tell you about cases of devils that didhorrible things to friends of theirs, but when you get frightened,they say that often it's only hysteria. In other words, you neverknow whether they believe it or not. Sometimes the booksellers giveme sticks of incense as presents; once one of them gave me a littleivory hand to ward off the evil eye."

"Then, if the occasionarises," Belbo said to her, "while you're browsing in those places,ask if they know anything about the new Manutius series, and showthem our flier."

Lorenza went off with adozen fliers. I guess she did a good job in the weeks thatfollowed, but, even so, I wouldn't have believed things could moveso fast. Within a few months, Si-gnora Grazia simply couldn't keepup with the Diabolicals, as we had come to call the SFAs withoccult interests. And, by their very nature, they werelegion.


Invoke the forces of theTablet of Union by means of Supreme Ritual of Pentagram, with theActive and Passive Spirit, with Eheieh and Agla. Return to theAltar, and recite the following Enochian Spirit Invocation: OlSonuf Vaorsag Goho lad Bait, Lonsh Calz Vonpho, Sobra Z-ol Ror I TaNazps, od Graa Ta Malprg...Ds Hol-q Qaa Nothoa Zimz, Od Commah TaNopbloh Zien...

¡XIsrael Regardie, theOriginal Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of theHermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Ritual for Invisibility, St.Paul, Llewellyn Publications, 1986, p. 423

We were lucky; our firstmeeting was of the highest quality¡Xat least as far as ourinitiation was concerned.

For the occasion thetrio was complete¡XBelbo, Diotallevi, and I¡Xand when our guestcame in, we almost let out a cry of satisfaction. He had the facieshermetica described by Lorenza Pellegrini, and, what's more, he wasdressed in black.

He looked aroundcircumspectly, then introduced himself: Professor Camestres. At thequestion "Professor of what?" he made a vague gesture as if urgingus to exercise greater discretion. "Forgive me," he said, "I don'tknow whether you gentlemen are interested in the subject purelyfrom a professional, commercial standpoint, or whether you areconnected with any mystical group..."

We reassured him on thatpoint.

"Perhaps I am beingexcessively cautious," he said, "but I do not wish to have anythingto do with a member of the OTO." Seeing our puzzlement, he added:"Ordo Templi Orientis, the conventicle of the remaining self-styledfollowers of Aleister Crowley...I see that you are notconnected...All the better: there will be no prejudices on yourside." He agreed to sit down. "Because, you understand, the work Iwould now like to show you takes a courageous stand againstCrowley. All of us, myself included, are still faithful to therevelations of the Liber AL vel legis, which, as you probably know,was dictated to Crowley in Cairo in 1904 by a higher intelligencenamed Aiwaz. This text is followed by the faithful of the OTO eventoday. They draw on all four editions, the first of which precededby nine months the outbreak of the war in the Balkans, the secondby nine months the outbreak of the First World War, the third bynine months the Sino-Japanese War, and the fourth by nine monthsthe massacres of the Spanish Civil War..."

I couldn't help crossingmy fingers. He noticed and said with a funereal smile, "Iunderstand your apprehension. What I am bringing you is the fifthedition of that book. What, you ask, will happen in nine months'time? Nothing, gentlemen, rest assured. Because what I am proposingis an enlarged Liber legis, inasmuch as I have had the good fortuneto be visited not by a mere higher intelligence but by Al himself,the supreme principle¡Xnamely, Hoor-paar-Kraat, who is the doubleor the mystical twin of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. My sole concern, also toward off evil influences, is that my work be published before thewinter solstice."

"I think that could bemanaged," Belbo said.

"I'm most pleased. Thebook will cause a stir in the circles of initiates, because, as youwill understand, my mystical source is more serious andauthenticated than Crowley's. I don't know how Crowley could haveactivated the Rituals of the Beast without bearing in mind theLiturgy of the Sword. Only by unsheathing the sword can the natureof Mahapralaya be understood, the Third Eye of Kundalini, in otherwords. And also in his

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