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arith-mology, all based on the Number of theBeast, he failed to consider the New Numbers: 93, 118, 444, 868,and 1001.

"What do they mean?"asked Diotallevi, suddenly all ears.

"Ah," said ProfessorCamestres, "as was already stated in the first Liber legis, everynumber is infinite and therefore there is no realdifference!"

"I understand," Belbosaid. "But don't you think all this will be a bit obscure for thecommon reader?"

Camestres almost bouncedin his chair. "Why, it's absolutely indispensable. Anyone whoapproached these secrets without the proper preparation wouldplunge headlong into the Abyss! Even by making them public in aveiled way, believe ine, I am running risks. I work within theenvironment of the worship of the Beast, but more radically thanCrowley: you will see, in my pages on the congressus cum daemone,the requirements for the furnishing of the temple and the carnalunion with the Scarlet Woman and the Beast she rides. Crowleystopped at so-called carnal congress against nature, while I carrythe ritual beyond Evil as we conceive it. I touch theinconceivable, the absolute purity of goety, the extreme thresholdof the Bas-Aumgn and the Sa-Ba-Ft..."

The only thing left forBelbo to do was to sound out Ca-mestres's financial capability. Hedid this with long, roundabout sentences, and finally it emergedthat, like Bramanti before him, the professor had no thought ofself-financing. Then the dismissal phase began, with a mild requestof could we keep the manuscript for a week, we would have a look atit, and then we would see. But at this point Camestres clasped themanuscript to his bosom, said he had never been treated with suchdistrust, and went out, hinting that he had means, out of theordinary, to make us regret the insult we had given him.

But before long we haddozens of manuscripts from eligible SFAs. A modicum of selectivitywas necessary, since these books were also meant to be sold.Because it was impossible for us to read them all, we glanced atthe contents, the indexes, some of the text, then tradeddiscoveries.


And from this springsthe extraordinary question: Did the Egyptians know aboutelectricity?

¡XPeter Kolosimo, Terrasenza tempo, Milan, Sugar, 1964, p. Ill

"I have a text onvanished civilizations and mysterious lands," Belbo said. "It seemsthat originally there existed, somewhere around Australia, acontinent of Mu, and from there the great currents of migrationspread out. One went to Avalon, one to the Caucasus and the sourceof the Indus; then there were the Celts, and the founders ofEgyptian civilization, and finally the founders ofAtlantis..."

"Old hat. If you'relooking for books about Mu, I'll swamp your desk with them," Isaid.

"But this writer maypay. Besides, he has a beautiful chapter on Greek migrations intoYucatan, and tells about the bas-relief of a warrior at Chiche'nItza who is the spit and image of a Roman legionary. Two peas in apod..."

"All the helmets in theworld have either plumes or horse tails," Diotallevi said. "That'snot evidence."

"Not for you, but forhim. He finds serpent worship in all civilizations and concludesthat there is a common origin..."

"Who hasn't worshipedthe serpent?" Diotallevi said. "Except, of course, the ChosenPeople."

"They worshipedcalves."

"Only in a moment ofweakness. I'd reject this one, even if he pays. Celtism andAryanism, Kaly-yuga, and decline of the West, and SS spirituality.I may be paranoid, but he sounds like a Nazi to me."

"For Garamond, thatisn't necessarily a drawback."

"No, but there's a limitto everything. Here's a book about gnomes, undines, salamanders,elves, sylphs, fairies, but it, too, brings in the origins of Aryancivilization. The SS, apparently, are descended from the SevenDwarfs."

"Not the Seven Dwarfs,the Nibelungs."

"The dwarfs it mentionsare the Little People of Ireland. The bad guys are the fairies, butthe Little People are good, just mischievous."

"Put it aside. Whatabout you, Casaubon? What have you found?"

"A text on ChristopherColumbus: it analyzes his signature and finds in it a reference tothe pyramids. Columbus's real aim was to reconstruct the Temple ofJerusalem, since he was grand master of the Templars-in-exile.Being a Portuguese Jew and therefore an expert cabalist, he usedtalismanic spells to calm storms and overcome scurvy. I didn't lookat any texts on the cabala, because I assumed Diotallevi waschecking them."

"The Hebrew letters areall wrong, photocopied from dream books."

"Remember, we'rechoosing texts forlsis Unveiled. Let's steer clear of philology. Ifthe Diabolicals like to take their Hebrew letters from dream books,let them do it. The problem I have is all the submissions on theMasons. Signor Garamond told me to be very careful there; hedoesn't want to get mixed up in polemics among the various rites.But I wouldn't neglect this manuscript about Masonic symbolism inthe grotto of Lourdes. Or this one about a mysterious gentleman,probably the Comte de Saint-Germain, an intimate friend of Franklinand Lafayette, who appeared at the moment of the creation of theflag of the United States. It explains the meaning of the starsvery well, but becomes confused on the subject of thestripes."

"The Comte deSaint-Germain!" I said. "Well, well!"

"You knowhim?"¡¥

"If I said yes, youwouldn't believe me. Forget it. Now here, gentlemen, is afour-hundred-page monstrosity decrying the errors of modernscience. The atom, a Jewish lie. The error of Einstein and themystical secret of energy. The illusion of Galileo and theimmaterial nature of the moon and the sun."

"In that line,"Diotallevi said, "what I liked most is this review of Fortiansciences."

"What arethey?"

"Named after Charles HoyFort, who gathered an immense collection of inexplicable bits ofnews. A rain of frogs in Birmingham, footprints of a fabulousanimal in Devon, mysterious steps and sucker marks on the ridges ofsome mountains, irregularities in the precession of the equinoxes,inscriptions on meteorites, black snow, rains of blood, wingedcreatures at an altitude of eight thousand meters above Palermo,luminous wheels in the sea, fossils of giants, a shower of deadleaves in France, precipitations of living matter in Sumatra, and,naturally, all the signs marked on Machu Picchu and other peaks inSouth America that bear witness to the landing of powerfulspacecraft in prehistoric times. We are not alone in theuniverse."

"Not bad," Belbo said."But what particularly intrigues me are these five hundred pages onthe pyramids. Did you know that the pyramid of Cheops sits right onthe thirtieth parallel, which is the one that crosses the greateststretch of land above sea level? That the geometric ratios found inthe pyramid of Cheops are

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