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„My word that is upon you is the food of those in heaven; it is the fruit of their waiting; it is the Lord on earth with the saints and with the angels, and your faith strengthens My way to you and then you give Me further to all those who have got used to My coming to you, to My voice which gives birth to the world again.”

„... for everything has to be renewed for the visible descending on earth of those that are not seen, but which will be, because the world will be renewed, as I promised My disciples two thousand years ago, for the last days, for the establishing of the kingdom of the heaven on earth. Amen.”

Opening to a group project in which different writers will contribute pages sequentially in an effort to learn about other writing styles and produce a good short story in the process.

There isn't a single solitary thing on or beyond this earth that our God did not create. And that which HE created,HE also has total control over what it can and can not do.

Lester del Rey (June 2, 1915 – May 10, 1993) was an American science fiction author and editor. He was the author of many books in the juvenile Winston Science Fiction series, and the editor at Del Rey Books, the fantasy and science fiction imprint of Ballantine Books, along with his fourth wife Judy-Lynn del Rey.