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What would happen if we could accurately predict the future. This is the tale of one possibility but we must remember "All is not gold that glitters!"

Meet Edrik Fletcher, the son of a wealthy businessman. When you're born into such luxury, everyone presumes you to lead a life full of happiness and abundance, right? Turns out not. Edrik lives a nightmare; different life, in a different world. Disoriented, confused, depressed; he has to get rid of the other world before he loses his sanity.

I would like to dedicate this book to my elementry school friends. We went through alot together and its such a heartbroken expeirence to have to be separated from you guys!

Life is rarely a bed of roses for those abroad. If it is not financial hardship then it is social hardship. if it is not social hardship then it is work related hardship. Taking to drinking becomes an escape zone.

β€žOh, people of My word! My word has made you into My people. It has in it the spirit of the birth from above over the man. It has the spirit of the resurrection in it, and by it eve-rything has become new and all those that are old pass away when the spirit of My word is working.”

β€žI did not make the man only for the sake of making him. I made him so that I may be able to work in him with My word and with My rest. Amen, amen, amen.”

β€žI remember how Abraham met Melchizedek and gave him bread and wine, which meant the Body and the Blood of the Son of God, for Melchizedek was God’s priest, and Abraham carried Me in his loins and I was the One Who was called its offspring, ...”