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Harry Pond Looks Homeward focuses on the Light beyond Earthy conflicts of light and darkness – conflicts we sadly all know so very well on this beautiful planet we call home. Nevertheless, the Harry Pond books hold out the hope of humanity one day soon reaching a higher place of thought, understanding, compassion and love that allows us all, collectively and individually, to raise ourselves above these conflicts and contradictions to a place of Light beyond the duality of light and darkness on

BALLAD Go saddle me the black black steed For I am going on a long long journey Go wipe away the tears that roll Across brawny cheeks of gypsie lassie. Fifteen well made men going on their steeds To get their brides leap over the strand The brunt hills in search of a namer Drying fast to justify conscript of land.

in this part mostly all of the rivalry for kirito's heart is happening between Gal and asuna trying to make him theres but kirito is being forced to do many things that they want him to do.

yuuki is moving away but gal tries to get her to stay but instead get yuukis trust to watch over kazuto for her and to make sure she loves him always.

This is a troll, please don't take this seriously. xD I love you, bro. Keep being awesome. I was totally not doing this to be mean. Haha. SOOOOOO. YAS. 21 YEET EBOLA #ALEXFROMTARGET OKAY I have no life.

When 15 year old Aliah arrives at her first rave, she realizes not everything in her perfect world is perfect. After being knocked, she wakes to only find herself in a city. An unknown city. The city that never sleeps.

It is not only your government that has top[ secret files, someone else has some. That someone else is none other than you. Deep down your spine, beyond your skull rests that which you may never want to share with any other person, or the person next to you- some history well hidden.

Does the pain in you show? Or do you hide the fact that your hurt...running from something along lives broken paths.