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Burnt Toast is a collection of thirteen comic poems and a light hearted look at life in 2013. If you've ever burnt your toast at breakfast, you'll like these poems.

β€ž... I built the man to be My bedding and My day of rest and to invite him to the mystery, for which I built the man, and to call him that he may come and then to teach him to have faith so that he may be able to come.”

Ever hard that pile of feelings that takes over your life? that one pile than ends up running your life at that moment? you definitely have ever had it. be it basic feeling of extreme hunger or extreme thirst for a glass of beer.

β€ž... the one who always eats meat does no longer see anything, anything sons, for those that are eaten, those are the things that come out from him. Heaven comes out from the one who eats heaven and flesh comes out of the one who eats flesh.”

β€žI look after the man on earth to see who I have as near to Me as you are, My people, but I find nothing but the man within his wills and I cannot make him used to My will and I cannot work with the one who has his own will.”

β€žI call out the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead. They have been waiting for seven thousand years for the trumpet of their resurrection, and I tell them: there is still a little bit of time and everything and all will receive the garment of incorruptibility, the same as I made them from their very creation. Amen.”

This is just a super short one that I wrote one day when I was just not having a good day. And I don't really know what else to say about it, but I need 140 characters. So now I have enough. :)