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Paul again takes up his pen, after writing the Galatians letter, writing to those in Macedonia (having gone under the Spirit's leadership in what is known as the "Macedonian Call"). Macedonia's capitol, Thessalonica, was a thriving free city with a population of over 200,000 and home for a large contingent of Jews. The Jews prided themselves because of their many proselytes (due to the local disgust with pagan culture among its inhabitants).

Alex is only fourteen and she live in the UK. She is moving (Just only her, not her parents) to Nevada, where her grandparents are. As she arrive there, her grandpa told her, she can pick any room she like, but not there room. And guess what room she pick, the attic. The attic was old, so the makeover the attic. While she was painting, she click on something. It turned over the bookshelf and she found a box. What's in the box? Are there any more secrets of the attic? Well go on and read the