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I foiled the terrorists because they’d parked in my parking spot.

"Mr. Jacobson sniffs little girls' bicycle seats," eight year old Benjamin Carter announced cavalierly as though the topic made for polite dinner conversation.

Kai is a princess who prefers anything with her knife over dancing at a ball. Unlike the fairy tale princesses, Kai is a vampire. She believes fate set her up so she would be miserable, only one reason she believes this. it is because of 'him' prince Dominic her other half. Being each others other half is basically a bond that can never be broken.

The writer is propelled by powerful invisible hands to oscillate between the past, present and into the future through an accidental quantum teleportation. In this spell-binding book the writer shares the amazing experiences of projections into quantum physics where the human race had one identical skin colour and became the next highly endangered species.

Cole is trying to deal with a father that treats her worse than a dog. But when the one person that made her life feel normal comes back to town how will she handle it? Will Cole and Ryder pick up where they left off or will they just be lost loves?

Trinity finds herself caught between her life at the mansion where only one maid and one nurse is nice to her, and at the Verne's house where she feels at peace...when she finds out how long she has until she dies