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ensor and You.### Craphound ========= Craphound had wicked yard-sale karma, for a rotten, filthy alien bastard. He was too good at panning out the single grain of gold in a raging river of uselessness for me not to like him -- respect him, anyway. But then he found the cowboy trunk. It was two months' rent to me and nothing but some squirrelly alien kitsch-fetish to Craphound. So I did the unthinkable. I violated the Code. I got into a bidding war with a buddy. Never let them tell you that
naudibly to himself, lifting the page a little at a time and sliding one of the transparent plastic sheets under it, working with minute delicacy. Not the delicacy of the Japanese girl's small hands, moving like the paws of a cat washing her face, but like a steam-hammer cracking a peanut. Field archaeology requires a certain delicacy of touch, too, but Martha watched the pair of them with envious admiration. Then she turned back to her own work, finishing the table of contents.The next page
-Chancroids.XXVI. THE CURABILITY OF VENEREAL DISEASE 174 Gonorrhea May Be Practically Cured in Every Case in Man--Extensive Gonorrheal Infection in Woman Difficult to Cure--Positive Cure in Syphilis Impossible to Guarantee. XXVII. VENEREAL PROPHYLAXIS 177 Necessity for Douching Before and After Suspicious Intercourse--Formulæ for Douches--Precautions Against Non-venereal Sources of Infection--Syphilis Transmitted by Dentist's Instruments--Manicurists and Syphilis--Promiscuous Kissing a Source
esthesia.Two years ago, an historic appreciation of the discovery of etherwas presented here by Professor Welch, and last year an addresson medical research was given by President Eliot. I, therefore,will not attempt a general address, but will invite yourattention to an experimental and clinical study. In presentingthe summaries of the large amount of data in these researches,I acknowledge with gratitude the great assistance rendered bymy associates, Dr. D. H. Dolley, Dr. H. G. Sloan, Dr. J.
THE COMIC IN GENERAL--THE COMIC ELEMENT IN FORMS AND MOVEMENTS--EXPANSIVE FORCE OF THE COMIC.What does laughter mean? What is the basal element in the laughable?What common ground can we find between the grimace of a merry-andrew, a play upon words, an equivocal situation in a burlesque anda scene of high comedy? What method of distillation will yield usinvariably the same essence from which so many different productsborrow either their obtrusive odour or their delicate perfume? Thegreatest of
"Well, to make a long story short, I used to find the little man in his place every morning, always with his black bag, and for nigh unto four months never a day passed without his having his three hours' drive and paying his fare like a man at the end of it. I shifted into new quarters on the strength of it, and was able to buy a new set of harness. I don't say as I altogether swallowed the story of the doctors having recommended him on a hot day to go about in a growler with both windows
cy over these wolves?" asked Cormac bluntly.Skol laughed and drank once more. "I have something each wishes. They hate each other; I play them against one another. I hold the key to the plot. They do not trust each other enough to move against me. I am Skol Abdhur! Men are puppets to dance on my strings. And women"--a vagrant and curious glint stole into his eyes--"women are food for the gods," he said strangely. "Many men serve me," said Skol Abdhur,
elves, not after the usual manner of works on psychology, but solely from the standpoint of practical utility and for the establishment of a scientific concept of the mind capable of everyday use.[Sidenote: Fundamental Laws and Practical Methods] The elucidation of every principle of mental operation will be accompanied by illustrative material pointing out just how that particular law may be employed for the attainment of specific practical ends. There will be numerous illustrative instances
im to know it) he is over-fatigued by the injudicious distribution of his lesson hours. Unluckily it is not easy to alter this; so pray, however strict you may be, show him every indulgence, which will, I am sure, have also a better effect on Carl under such unfavorable circumstances.With respect to his playing with you, when he has finally acquired the proper mode of fingering, and plays in right time, and gives the notes with tolerable correctness, you must only then first direct his
nothing to do with anger, felt his blood grow hot at the cowardly trap laid for an innocent girl."Old Al won't listen to me," pondered Dale. "An' even if he did, he wouldn't believe me. Maybe nobody will. . . . All the same, Snake Anson won't get that girl." With these last words Dale satisfied himself of his own position, and his pondering ceased. Taking his rifle, he descended from the loft and peered out of the door. The night had grown darker, windier, cooler; broken