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The Iron Throne proclaims a story of man's natural rebellion and belligerence. A novel with a thick plot of the burning passion for divine sovereignty and consequent lawlessness, which engenders a universal anarchy, aggressive warfare and inhuman cruelty. The war of man against every man sums up this controversial nature in which peace appears as an unattainable dream. This book argues about the possibility of an absolute monarchy supported as a regime to forward peace while flouting the

Too happy to be sad......Hearing the impostor syndrome at 3am.......Justice is blind!....Flawed humans trying to be real.......Flawed humans trying to be real....

Millenials knowing infinity.....Dead Poets rising fron the ashes....Pearline Felder taking me beyond the yellow brick road....I am what i am....I am what i was...

Trying to care despite reasons not to.....An x man living within my own personal matrix....Seeking moments of sanity from external numbness....Saturday comes..

August Rotaeche's pack was notorious for their power and their size.

Tender eyes making sense of the senseless.....The human spirit fighting to survive one more day.....Side-Stepping Coronavirus Madness.....The end is near....The end is near...

This is a collection of poems about love and lust.

Pushing beyond a manic mind....Embracing destiny as i walk the plank....The essence of Beatrice Maye touching a complex psvche...Eleanor Rigby smiles...

The Meaning of Surah 54 Al-Qamar The Moon (La Luna) From The Holy Quran Bilingual Edition In English and Spanish Languange.

Is it too late for James Taylor to save the world.....Everyday souls trying to exist within a simulation....Thoughtful dialog fighting to be heard over the noise?