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„Oh, when I see such a lot of struggle for the enactment of the immorality on earth, I am overwhelmed with grief. The people without God in them try to bring, without knowing what they do by this action, fire and brimstone over the earth ...”

Science fiction, in literature, is defined as a category of speculative fiction that commonly showcases futuristic and extraordinary ideas, like space exploration, technological advancement, aliens, and more. In the platform of film, on the other hand, science fiction is referred to as the genre that utilizes imaginary and fictional science and technological-based portrayal of events that are not totally accepted by the integrating science. Regardless of what avenue it is, science fiction is

„Men baptize men into My name in vain: in vain, if the baptized man does not serve Me after that. Baptism is fire and water, both of them cleanse the man, and both testify. What makes the man come to baptism? The word. It is like a fire, which cleanses the evil in man, ...”

Battling against hypocrisies, sadomasochism and pursuits of pop benchmarks of success, he refuses the passion-oriented worldview of karma and life’s purposes. Metamorphosed by compassion, that love’s innocence fills him with, he opts for a journey, taking him away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption.

In today’s turbulent business environment, responding to flatlining market conditions and ever-changing customer demands is extremely important for enterprises. To fulfil the customer demand related to advanced product or services, continuous innovation and Identifying breakthrough ways of offering products and services is a must for modern-day firms. To achieve this,introduction of enterprise-wide agile software development practices is a must for global businesses today.

s everyone born with free will? Answer will surprise most. Page 127