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این کتاب که با هدف آشنایی با اصول جنانا یوگا (یوگای خرد و فرزانگی ) براساس تعالیم سری سوامی شیواناندا در دو جلد گردآوری شده است، مبتنی بر فلسفی آدویتا ودانته (وحدت وجود) است. در جلد اول، نخست مبانی و مفاهیم یوگای خرد و فرزانگی در بیست حکمت بیان می شود. جهت تأمل و تعمق بیشتر هر حکمت از سخنانی کوتاه پیاپی مرتبط با هم تشکیل شده است. در جلد دوم تلاش شده است تا به همین سبک، پندها و روش‌های یوگای خرد و فرزانگی (جنانایوگا) تشریح شود.

Lucas and Adam are having a sleepover at Adam's house. Suddenly, they hear a growl and a shadow. Lucas, a very skilled fighter, tries to trap the werewolf. Will they make it? Or be the werewolf's dinner?

Encho the Raccoon wants to find out what is the most overrated thing in the universe. And it's freedom. Therefore he succumbs to the force that drives him mad

If you lost your gmail to hackers or forgotten password and you can't get into your account again don't worry we got you covered here.

Maeve & Margot go into a creepy forest. Horrifying trees and dark clouds

The knight headed to the closest and easiest rank F dungeon, nicknamed the ‘Rookie Dungeon’, venturing into it. The Rookie Dungeon held ten floors of easy monsters for beginners. The first floor held Horned Rabbits, rabbit creatures with a sharp horn that can pierce an amateur's gear. The knight gained ground within the first floor, closing onto the middle of the dungeon where a small horde of Horned Rabbits laid in wait. Once he made it to the middle, he was attacked by the small horde of

If only every tear was a raindrop for you, Africa! Bookrix has donated two euros to Africa for every charity contribution we book rix user make.

Introduction to Physics teacher Great indian Old teacher New best teacher World best teacher Best teacher of Goble Teacher Award in this book .

This book speaks about the fight for our rights against the killings of our citizens by a police unit called SARS and it later developed into a fight to end bad governorance.

A story of appreciation for love, admiration of ones ability to stand up and perseve after falling apart. This encapsulate the idea of faith and never ending love, the astonishing story of two lovers battles