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There was a first book now there is a second book, are you going to read it? If you are you are in for a really big scare, not like anything else is this world.

I wanted to write the story of my life for years, but never took the time to do it. I feel that it's time to share my store with the world so that I'm able to get closure and help someone who may have experienced some of my pain or who's experiencing it now. I hope that someone can get some help through my LIFE experiences.

Even if you are talented and successful, it is your good or bad karma that decides how your life would be. Never boast for your success and prosperity. It is ultimately what you have brought along with you at birth decides your fate.

Moving forward through darkness to see the light. Taking what's mine and holding it tight. Forging my stand against the heaviness of this life.

STILL IN PROGRESS "Have you ever wondered if your whole life was all a lie,everything you thought you knew was a lie" That's what William Scarebrook found out when he moved house and school and met a guy called Xander,this is where his whole life changes dramatically and everything he thought he knew was a lie!

Cheezi Dellbrecko Hyena, known mainly and formidably by his official moniker, Samantha Komodo; formerly known by his past pen names of Aaron Solomon, and Mwezi Desoto, is a male spotted hyena (choosing to reincarnate into a Spotted Hyaenidae as well) and an African rapper/lyricist. He has been writing series of more than many fiction/action/thriller series book since the tender cub age of five; with his most famous hits apparently being "Lone Wolves" and her most recently self