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أنا في انتظار حوالي باللغة العربية هايكو والكثير من الناس مثل بلدي الهايكو العربية إذا كنت ترغب في الاستمتاع بها

This My Poetry It Might Not Be Good Because Im In The Fifth Grade So Don't Hate On mY Book XD.Oh And i forget to say hi everybody and are you a mermaid?

This is a collection of poems I've written through the years. Most of them are dark and saddening, I'll admit. But there are a few that have helped me. Even if you don't read through it all. At least read the last entry.

These are a bunch of peoms that I have written, but the first one is probably the one that means the most to me.

this is for all those kids who are always told that teenagers don't know a thing about love well we are the ones who really know what love feels!