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The poems in this collection are expressions of the authoress' longing for self-knowing or wholeness and for belonging to a larger reality. The verses simply out-flowed from an intense process of transformation she has been going through in her search for deeper truths of the inner and the outer universe.

Just a little poem I thought up when I was really bored after school. Actually I'm supposed to be playing offic jerk but nobody is perfect. :)

We all know the myth of Pandora's Box. How someone opened up the box containing all of the horrid emotions we know: sadness, anger, hurt etc. When people write poetry, it's often about all of those and more. So here is a look into those emotions. Hopefully you'll find you're not alone. We ALL suffer from things inside that box; whether we show it or not. Everyone has a box inside them; are you brave enough to open it?

This is just a collection of fun little poems. I wrote most of these yesterday while I was in a silly writing mood, so I hope you greatly enjoy.