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This is a poem from my book titled "Norwood Night and Other Poems". Inspirational poems about life. This poem is about imagination...

Have you ever thought about others overview of the world? What about war and how others see it? What about a child? Well, this book is written by me, a 12 year old girl and this is my insight on the world. It could be dreary but it is also a hard hit on the reality of it all. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! x

A collection of seven poems written by Alexandra Laird during the summer of 2009. Many of the writings are nostalgic, looking back on a past age in childhood or grieving experiences lost to disease, while others were written with insights gained from living with the same disease that took so much.

This is my collection of poems written from around age 12 to 16.

How do you adapt to the world, and what do you have to give up to do it? What do you want from your life? Who are you, how can you cope? I've tried to put some of my thoughts into words.