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If your having trouble living cause you have a friend or family member who s dieing or has died and you feel like you want to die to read this first and then think bout what your going to do cause if you do make a mistake of killing yourself your really bout to hurt the ones who love you the most.

Strange Are The Cadres Of Being Suddenly, a visage With a hushed leap Rushed past the mirror Black and yellow stripes Like waves strung together Suddenly, the dressing table trembled The clock’s golden reflection shuddered The body – wrapped in fever – thawed out In the microcosms of blood In the self and attributes Are uncanny secrets In the sieves of faiths and doubts Are a thousand cracks Strange are the cadres of being Just now, I was wide awake Groaning in deep pain Then, how did I drift

Written after i had lost a close friend when she left the country

Once again a poem from!!! This actually happend and poeple all over TX came and help with the wild-fire. It was massive Im glad my friends got out.

A poem about how my fiancee, who is my best friend and has stood by me throw it all...xx

Poem is a creative outlet to express yourself. When these poems are read and interpreted in the way how the reader feels may help the writer to understand better - the thought process in the poem.

Some of Tamil haiku poems by otteri selvakumar இது எனது தமிழ் ஹைக்கூ கவிதை நூல்