» Poetry » Page 92

Genre Poetry. Page - 92

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This is a poem I wrote when I was actually quite happy, which explains why it ends on a good note. I wanted to express what I have always felt at night, as I have been afraid of the dark since I was old enough to know what fear was (don't tell anyone.) It's short, but I I hope that it conveys my message.

Writing poems on nature and love always helped me to feel at peace. Nature is the dominating factor of love life and it always add the much needed charm to love.

This poem is from the point of view of a young boy. he is writing a poem about his older, best friend.

Here is a collection of various styles and forms of poetry. Many subjects are covered, including faith, dreams, life, love, and nature. There is something for everyone.

This is a short short poem about my best friend... I love her... but im worried...... She loves this guy and Hes all great and junk but I think he is just controling her...

This is a poem about unrequited love.How a woman has to leave the man she loves but no matter where she goes she still is reminded that she loves him no matter what.