Genre Short Story. Page - 79
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"The land was sparse, dry, covered in Maquis shrub; juniper, myrtle, dwarf pine, wild rosemary. They were all more all or less aromatic, the beating sun releasing a heady scent into the air. He walked down the track, his boots crunching on gravel. In the bay below, the sea, a bright Mediterranean blue lazily caressed the cliffs. He was searching for geckos – sunny days brought them out to bask. Cold rendered them inactive. He thought of his wife. She was like that. Back in Manchester she’d
Recently widowed, Vera Bradshaw finds herself going through the motions of life with the painful memory of her husband's death at the forefront of her thoughts. Every moment, every breath is tinged with Jesse's presence and she does not know how to find peace. In a moment of desperation, she finds that she can see him on certain nights in a place that is exclusively special to them.