My name is Meredith. My friend's name is NeeNee. Our enemy is Satonna. Satonna is a witch. She sent us into some strange world cause she got pissed off at us. Can we get out? Oh, btw, this is my journal you're reading. And NONE of what I'm writing in it is real. You know, just trying to make my life seem more interesting. The only reason I started writing in this was because I was bored...

Ten years ago, Juliet Carlton escaped from a race among fallen angels that could possibly gain her spot as an archangel back. She had ditched her second-chance of returning back to heaven, and was living among the world of regular non-magical human beings, Razon, as a normal high-school teenage girl. Now, a new race has begun. One angel among twelve was ready to prove that they are ready to serve heaven again. Juliet was captivated and she couldn't escape. She was forced to be put into the

My name is Meredith. My friend's name is NeeNee. Our enemy is Satonna. Satonna is a witch. She sent us into some strange world cause she got pissed off at us. Can we get out? Oh, btw, this is my journal you're reading. And NONE of what I'm writing in it is real. You know, just trying to make my life seem more interesting. The only reason I started writing in this was because I was bored...

Ten years ago, Juliet Carlton escaped from a race among fallen angels that could possibly gain her spot as an archangel back. She had ditched her second-chance of returning back to heaven, and was living among the world of regular non-magical human beings, Razon, as a normal high-school teenage girl. Now, a new race has begun. One angel among twelve was ready to prove that they are ready to serve heaven again. Juliet was captivated and she couldn't escape. She was forced to be put into the