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It Was Evening Of Early Summer. George Lansing Sat By A Window Of The Library At Brantholme. The House Belonged To His Cousin; And George, Having Lately Reached It After Traveling In Haste From Norway, Awaited The Coming Of Mrs. Sylvia Marston In An Eagerly Expectant Mood. It Was Characteristic Of Him That His Expression Conveyed Little Hint Of His Feelings, For George Was A Quiet, Self-Contained Man; But He Had Not Been So Troubled By Confused Emotions Since Sylvia Married Marston Three Years

In loving memory of loved ones who have passed away. I just lost a family member and I got the idea to do this from another bookrix member in a way to honor the memory of the loved one who had passed. I'm also doing this for more of my loved ones who I didn't do this for before so this is for all of them. I wouldn't call this a poem or even a short story but you can call it whatever you think fits best.

Shearjashub Spooner (December 3, 1809 in Brandon, Vermont – March 14, 1859 in Plainfield, New Jersey) was an American physician and writer. After graduating as a physician in Middlebury in 1830 and New York City, in 1835, he became a dentist in New York. He retired in 1858.

Alicia, Justin, Faeline, and Zeke have lived their whole lives in the Facility. Well, as long as they can remember at least. Life is very comfortable and doesn't give them a desire to leave or escape. So when a boy claims to remember life outside the Facility, and how to get out, the group doesn't know how to react. Until... (Still in progress.)

Just thoughts of any thing art of the mind

β€žI want to write Myself in My book of these days with the feast of this day, sons, who re-ceive from My word, the word, which is a sharp and a double-edged sword, because I, the Lord, I, Who have the seven spirits of God, said by the spirit of prophecy that I would be devout with the one who is devout, ...”

β€žI come with mercy into the man’s way before allowing him to see Me. I ask him to hear Me as those in the graves hear Me when I speak with you, and those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you to take them out with My word and to testify about My coming, which brings them again to life and to the redemption of their bodies. Amen.”

β€žBehold the kingdom of the heavens! It is My complete will in the man, as in heaven so on earth. Amen.”