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Bullets have no feelings. The history of the Independent India begins with the spill of the blood of the Father of the Nation. And the History of the mankind abounds with the assasinations of the Presidents, Prime Ministers and many more across the globe. The children, the women and the aged are no exception,

BOOK THREE: King Alex meets an old hermit that leads him to four evangelists down in a valley. They in turn lead him closer to finding his family. The last of the evangelists is St.Michael himself, who shows him Adnicul and asks him to team up with his former enemy in order to find peace. Strongly apprehensive and plagued by nightmares at first, he learns of Adniculโ€™s fate. He is a reincarnation of Luciferโ€™s first angel and wants to return to his tree in Eden. Together, they almost defeat a

Myra and her brother Brady were exiled to the cabin her parents rented every summer for an entire month. Myra tried to change who she is but Star helps her realize that who she is just fine. Star alters Myra's way of thinking, forceing her to make some decisions in the name of love. In this story about a girl who falls in love with another girl, Myra goes through life changes that will alter in a way that she never thought possible.

Touch of cancer is the inspiring story of how one woman has coped with the onset of a disease that many fear. Jean Charity, originally from Derby in the United Kingdom but now residing in Spain covers the subject in her own inimitable style. While many would find little to find humourous in such a potentially, serious disease, Jean has succeeded in striking a happy balance between the many funny situations she found herself in and the more serious aspects of her treatment. One in three people

When Cassie Yates is fifteen she is sold to a rich family as a bride. This is the story of how she finds her way back home.

This book deals with the practical implementation of the European Unionโ€™s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Articles with commentary, analytical provisions, case laws, and checklist etc. Application scope of every article, organisational and material requirements for data protection are fairly explained so to have easy understanding and accessibility to any student, auditor, lawyer, DPO or other professional as and when needed.