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„The human body has to be a vessel in which God dwells, and care must be taken not to let anything unclean enter it, for the human body is the house of God.”

„I, the Lord, am speaking today on earth because it is written into the Scriptures to fulfill in this way, that the time of the judgment has come to judge the living and the dead and I am doing this by My word of today,...”

„It is written in the Scriptures about the seven trumpets of which God sounds in the end of the time and for seventy years I have been raising on the Romanian land their voice, ...”

She just found out that gods and goddess are real,problem is shes one too but thats where the mystery begins.How is she a god and how is she more power full than the son and daughter of Zeus/Thor/Jupiter hows that possible shes not their sister Could she be the daughter of Artemis but the goddess has not been seen by any other god in years/centuries she jas to find answers before she has to take up the role of goddess of the hunt

On the day April 25th 2015,Thursday I was in the office at morning. Opened Gmail to check messages regarding my company work, started working as usual and Suddenly my cellphone was trembling with beep sound, I took the phone and saw ,it was Facebook Notification. Again kept the phone aside and started doing my work. At 1 O’clock I was done with my work So opened Facebook and saw Friend request Notification which was sent by a girl.

Internet of Things is happening now. Internet has moved on to the next goal of achievement that makes things easy for human beings at all levels.

إنتقام - رواية تدور احداثها حول رجل الأعمال الشهير ايسر الشذر عندما يتعرض ابنه احمد للقتل لينطلق بعدها للتخطيط للانتقام مع مساعده ماهر بعد خمسة سنوات من الغيبوبة نتيجة إصابته برصاصة في الرأس لتبدأ من هنا رحلة التخطيط للانتقام. ( إنتقام ) تأليف : رائد هيكل تدقيق : د. سركيس ساكو

One of the most disappointing things about playing survival games is that it's easy to loss all of your progress. This can still happen in ARK: Survival Evolved, but not if you play on a PVE server (player versus environment). There players cannot attack each other or attack other's tamed animals. This gives you the freedom to build your base, tame animals, and fight bosses with your friends. You can get just as much fun with your friends at private game servers. But how to choose the best and