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Love being in our reach, then vainshing into thin air.

Sometimes I wonder, If I killed myself right now, Would you even care? Or would you blow me off like every other person. If I killed myself right now, Would you come to help me?

the feelings that we hide the love that we share the blood that we bleed all takes us through the air to the sky so we can live and not hide in vain

A few years ago, i was misdiagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis,Lupus and even Rhuematoid Arthritis. However, after about five years, a very knowledgeable Rhuematoloist gave me a clear and accurate diagnosis.

Since my friend loves my writing, I decided to post some of my poetry up here until i get an actual idea for a book. So i hope you like my grim poems.

Snow Is On The Ground is about the winter because it was about winter when I weote this poem.But it's really like a fun poem that you can probaly relate to.I hope you like and leave a comment please!!