Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗
- Author: Thomas Jefferson Ritter
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Book online «Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter
Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) constipated, stomach bad.
Pulsatilla 3X dil. For blonde girls, menstrual troubles.
Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). For brunettes, menstrual troubles.
NEURITIS (Inflammation of the Nerves).—Aconite 2X dil. when caused from cold or congestion.
Belladonna 3X dil. sore to touch and movement.
Arnica 2X dil. when caused by injury,
Rhus tox ex trit. (tablet form) when caused by strain.
NEURALGIA or pain in the nerves, Tic douloreux infra-orbital. Facial, intercostal, sciatic, etc.
Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold, fever, hot dry skin.
Belladonna 3X dil. Beating throbbing pain, red parts, faceache, pain in the eyeballs, bright eyes.
Arsenicum 3X trit. tablet form. Periodical in character, burning pain, relieved temporarily by heat, aggravated by cold.
[HOMEOPATHY 463]TOOTHACHE.—Aconite 2X dil. Fever, heat, and from cold or wet.
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) when cold brings on a paroxysm or aggravates the pain.
Belladonna 3X dil. Throbbing pain, great in extent, aggravated by heat.
Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form). Hollow teeth, ulcerated, feel too long.
Pulsatilla 3X dil. Persons of blonde type, menstrual troubles.
SCIATICA.—Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Pains better on motion, must move.
Bryonia 2X dil. must keep quiet.
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) restless, burning, shooting pains.
LUMBAGO.—Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form).
Bryonia 2X dil.
PALPITATION OF THE HEART.—Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) from over eating, drinking, sedentary life.
Pulsatilla 3X dil. Blondes who have menstrual troubles also when caused by fat greasy foods.
Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). Brunette type, womb troubles.
EYES, Simple Inflammation of.—Aconite 2X dil. First stage.
Belladonna 3X dil. Second stage.
Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) when there is a thick discharge.
EYES, weak and watery.—Ruta 3X dil. (may need glasses).
EYES, stye on lids. Pulsatilla 3X dil. Four times daily.
EARS, boils in the canal.—Belladonna 3X dil. hourly doses.
Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form) when suppuration (pus formation) appears.
EAR, inflammation or.—Aconite 2X dil. First stage, followed by
Belladonna 3X tablet; then Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form) or
Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form).
DISEASES OF WOMEN.METRITIS, (inflammation of the womb)—Aconite 2X dil. followed by
Belladonna 3X dil. when the skin is moist.
Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) when there is a thick discharge.
MENSES, suppression of.—Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold.
Caulophyllum 3X dil. can alternate this with aconite every hour.
[464 MOTHERS' REMEDIES]OVARY, inflammation of.—Aconite 2X dil.
Apis Mel 2X trit. (tablet form). These can be alternated.
DYSMENORRHEA, Painful Menstruation.—Cocculus 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes.
Caulophyllum 3X dil. can be used if Cocculus fails.
Pulsatilla 3X dil. used in blondes.
Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form) used in brunettes.
MENORRHAGIA (too much flow).—Sabina 3X dil. pains between sacrum and pubic bones most, bright red blood.
Ipecac 3X dil. especially when there is much nausea.
China 3X dil. especially when it is a chronic case.
WHITES, Leucorrhea. Pulsatilla 3X dil. In blondes.
Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). In brunettes.
China 3X dil. When it follows loss of blood, long sickness, malaria, etc.
MUMPS.—Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form). Tablet everyone to three hours.
Pulsatilla 3X dil. When it goes down. Give every hour.
NIGHT SWEATS.—China 2X dil. and Phosphoric acid 3X dil. These can be used alternately, giving each one three times a day.
[PATENT MEDICINES 463] PATENT MEDICINES AND SECRET FORMULAEAbout One Hundred and Twenty Medicines in Common Use,
How to Prepare Them and Their Approximate Cost.
In giving the following recipes and formulae to the public, we wish to offer a word of explanation. Many, in fact, most of the above are the exact formulae. Others were secured from analysis by reliable institutions and you need entertain no doubt whatever as to their reliability as far as chemical analysis could determine their ingredients. Some of the patent medicines are changed a trifle from time to time to conform with the Pure Food Laws, etc. We can supply many others not in this list and will be pleased to do so to our subscribers at any time upon request.
ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. Sulphur l-1/2 drams
Plumbi Acetatis 2 drams
Glycerin 3 ounces
Water, flavored to make 6-1/4 ounces
Dissolve the plumbi acetatis in the water then add the glycerin and sulphur. Any aromatic water may be used for making the restorer.
The above amount would cost about 20 cents.
RELIEF FOR ASTHMA. Powdered Lobelia 1 ounce
Powdered Stramonium Leaves 1 ounce
Powdered Saltpeter 1 ounce
Powdered Black Tea 1 ounce
Mix and sift. Burn and inhale the fumes.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
ANTI-CONSTIPATION PAD. Podophyllum 3 ounces
Aloes, powdered 1/2 ounce
Extract Colocynth compound, powdered 1/2 ounce
Croton Oil 1 dram
Oil of Sassafras 1 dram
Black Root 1/2 ounce
Lady's Slipper 1/2 ounce
Mix. Wear pad directly below pit of stomach.
The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
Fluid Extract Senna 1/2 ounce
Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1/2 ounce
Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 1/2 ounce
Fluid Extract Stillingia 1/2 ounce
Simple syrup to make 8 ounces
Dose: One teaspoonful three times daily.
This is conceded by all to be one of the finest combinations for regulating blood and liver known.
The above amount would cost about 75 cents.
AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Acetate of Morphia 3 grains
Tincture Sanguinaria 2 drams
Wine Antimony 3 drams
Wine Ipecac 3 drams
Syrup Wild Cherry 3 ounces
The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
Beeswax 1 ounce
Mutton Tallow 4 ounces
Copper Acetate 1 dram
Melt the rosin, tallow and wax together, then add the copper acetate, stir until cool.
The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. Plumbi Acetate 3 drams
Flowers of Sulphur 2 drams
Glycerin 14 drams
Water enough to make 1 quart
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
BURNS AND SCALDS. Raw Linseed Oil 3 ounces
Lime Water 3 ounces
Acidi Carbolici 15 drops
This preparation for burns is used in all hospitals and is prescribed every day by the best physicians in the United States.
The above amount would cost about 20 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 467] AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 3 ounces
Fluid Extract Queen's Root. 3 ounces
Fluid Extract Rumex Crispus 2 ounces
Fluid Extract Mandrake 2 ounces
Sugar 1 ounce
Iodide Potassium 90 grains
Iodide Iron 10 grains
The above would cost about $1.00.
Tincture Chloride Iron 6 drams
Simple Syrup 2 ounces
Fowler's Solution Arsenic 128 drops
Glycerin to make 8 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful three times a day in chronic ague.
The above amount would cost about 60 cents.
ROYAL CATARRH CURE. Muriate of Berberine 0.65 parts
Acidi Carbolici 1.35 parts
Common Salt 98.00 parts
Total (parts by weight) 100.00 parts
The above amount would cost about 15 cents.
Gum Camphor 10 grains
Chloroform 10 drops
Oil Petrolatum 8 ounces
This prescription is used by the most successful specialists and physicians. You can have this filled for about 25 cents and the aboline atomizer, which is used in administering the medicine, can be bought cheaply.
BARKER'S BONE AND NERVE LINIMENT FOR MAN OR BEAST.Cures rheumatism, sprains, bruises, chilblains, etc. We have made an examination of the foregoing liniment and find it to be essentially a liquid petroleum product, containing large quantities of camphor and turpentine, and with smaller quantities of oil of tar and probably oil of thyme. The bottle is square and deeply paneled and holds two fluid ounces of a dark colored fluorescent liquid. The following formula, according to H. W. Snow, makes a preparation not to be easily distinguished from the original:
Camphor 70 grains
Oil of Tar
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