Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗
- Author: Thomas Jefferson Ritter
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Book online «Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter
Salicylic Acid 1 dram
Muriate Ammonia 1 dram
Acetic Acid 1/2 dram
Lanoline 1 dram
White Wax 1 dram
Lard to make 1 ounce
Mix. Excellent remedy. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS.For headache, torpid liver, constipation, and the complexion take one pill every night. As a purgative take four to eight. Weight of twelve pills about seven and one-half grains of which probably two to two and one-half grains is sugar coating. They contain Podophyllin and aloes made into a pill and coated with sugar. On the above we deduce the following formula as closely resembling the original:
Podoph (resin) 1-1/2 grains
Aloes (Socotrine) 3-1/2 grains
Mucilage of Acacia sufficient
Mix; divide into twelve pills and coat with sugar.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
FOR DIARRHEA, FLUX AND DYSENTERY.To one teaspoonful of Epsom Salts add eight drops of laudanum in one-fourth glass of water. An excellent medicine. The above amount would cost about 5 cents.
Manna 1 ounce
Rochelle Salts 1 ounce
Fennel Seed 1-1/2 drams
Sugar 8 ounces
Oil of Wintergreen sufficient
Boiling Water, enough to make 8 fluid ounces or a half-pint.
Pour the water over the ingredients, then cover and macerate until cool, after which strain, add the 8 ounces of sugar and dissolve by agitation; add enough oil of wintergreen for suitable flavoring.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
DYSPEPSIA TONIC. Tincture Gentian Compound 2 ounces
Tincture Rhubarb 2 ounces
Tincture Ginger 1/2 ounce
Essence Peppermint 2 drams
Sodium Bicarbonate 1/2 ounce
Water to make 8 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful after meals.
For acute cases of indigestion where the stomach and bowels are full and distended, or sour stomach and spitting up of food, this will relieve at once; and with continued use relieve entirely. The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
MADAME RUPERT'S FACE BLEACH.Analysis assigns the following composition to this cosmetic:
Corrosive Sublimate 1 grain
Tincture of Benzoin 7 grains
Water 10 ounces
Mix. The above amount would cost about 15 cents.
Powdered Borax 1 dram
Listerine 1 ounce
Alcohol 1 ounce
Aqua Rose to make 8 ounces
For young ladies, this will prove more beneficial than any face preparation on the market. It is very refreshing and will remove black heads, tan and blemishes, leaving the skin clear and smooth. The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
Tincture Camphor 2 ounces
Tincture Guaicum 1-1/2 ounces
Mix. The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
[474 MOTHERS' REMEDIES] FEMALE REGULATOR. Carbonate Iron 1 ounce
Tincture Gentian Compound 2 ounces
Powdered Rhubarb 1/2 ounce
Powdered Cinchona 1 ounce
Mix. Add to one pint Sherry Wine. Dose: Teaspoonful three to four times a day.
We warrant this to be one of the best tonics that can be procured for general female weaknesses.
The above amount exclusive of pint of sherry wine, would cost about 50 cents.
CUTICURA OINTMENT.The much advertised "Cuticura Ointment" has been found to consist .of a base of petroleum jelly, colored green, perfumed with oil of bergamot and containing two per cent of carbolic acid. Four ounces would cost about 25 cents.
FLUX. Prepared Chalk 2 drams
Tincture Catechu 1/2 ounce
Tincture Opii 1/2 ounce
Aqua Cinnamon to make 8 ounces
Mix. Dose: One-half to one teaspoonful every three hours. For adults, only. The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
CUTICURA RESOLVENT.This preparation is said to be:
Aloes, Socot 1 dram
Rhubarb Powdered 1 dram
Potas. Iodidi 36 grains
Spirits Frumenti 1 pint
Macerate over night and filter.
The above amount exclusive of whisky would cost about 15 cents.
FOR FEVER. Quinia Sulp 50 grains
Capsicum 6 grains
It will make twenty-five capsules. Mix. Dose: One every three hours.
This has been used for years. You should keep the bowels open to remove the cause. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 475] ELY'S CREAM BALM.This is a proprietary article, largely advertised in the Eastern states, and meets with rapid sales and is used for catarrh. The directions are to dip the little finger into the balm and insert up the nostrils giving two or three inhalations. It is as follows:
Thymol 3 grains
Bismuth Carbonatis 15 grains
Oil of Wintergreen 2 minims
Vaselin to make 1 ounce
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
FOR SORE THROAT. Listerine 2 ounces
Glycerin 1/2 ounce
Pure Water to make 4 ounces
Mix. Use as a gargle.
This will cure any ordinary case, but do not mistake sore throat for diphtheria. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Simple Syrup 1 pint
Hypophosphite Calcium 128 grains
Hypophosphite Potassium 48 grains
Ferri Sulp 48 grains
Sulphate Manganese 32 grains
Sulphate Quinine 14 grains
Sulphate Strychnine 2 grains
Water sufficient
Dissolve the calcium and potassium hypophosphites in two fluid ounces of warm water. Add to one ounce of water, three fluid ounces of the syrup and dissolve in the mixture, by the aid of heat, the remainder of the salts. Mix the solutions and set by a few hours, covered, to deposit the sulphate of calcium which is formed. Filter into bottle containing the remainder of the syrup, wash the residue with an ounce of boiling water, mix filtrate and washings with the syrup; dissolve the glucose in the mixture, and add through the filter enough water to make two pints. The formula would be improved by substituting for the glucose, a refined extract of malt like that prepared by Gebe, in Germany. The proportion of the medicinal ingredients in the syrup it is true is small; I shall not warrant it to perform miracles of cure. It is simply offered as a substitute for Fellow's Hypophosphites; whatever therapeutic efficiency that nostrum has, we may count upon obtaining equally from this syrup.
The above, about four pints, would cost about $1.00.
GENERAL TONIC. Citrate of Iron and Quinine 2 drams
Simple Syrup 2 ounces
Pure Water 2 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day.
This tonic is good to build up the system and to make rich, new blood. People who feel tired and do not rest well at night cannot use a better remedy.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
[476 MOTHERS' REMEDIES] GENUINE WHITE OIL LINIMENT. Carbonate of Ammonium 19 drams
Camphor 20 drams
Oil of Turpentine 21 drams
Oil of Origanum 20 drams
Castile Soap 19 drams
Water to make 1-1/2 pints
Mix. The above amount would cost about 60 cent.
HEADACHE. Acetanilid 160 grains
Citrate Caffein 1 dram
Sodae Bicarbonatis 15 grains
Tartaric Acid 5 grains
Simple Elixir to make 4 ounces
Mix. Dose: One-half to one teaspoonful half hour apart for two doses.
Two doses of this remedy will generally relieve any headache. Be careful of this. It is good but all these are sometimes dangerous. The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
GOOD SAMARITAN LINIMENT. Oil of Sassafras 2 drams
Oil of Hemlock 2 drams
Spirits of Turpentine 2 drams
Tincture of Capsicum 2 drams
Tincture of Myrrh 1 ounce
Laundanum 2 drams
Oil of Origanum 2 drams
Oil of Wintergreen 1 dram
Gum Camphor 1/2 troy ounce
Chloroform 3 drams
Alcohol, to make 1 pint
Mix. The above amount, about twenty ounces, would cost about 90 cents.
HEARTBURN.Tincture Nucis Vomicae 1 ounce
Dose: Take five drops three times a day before meals. This is good.
The above amount would cost about 15
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