Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗
- Author: Thomas Jefferson Ritter
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Book online «Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful at a dose. Should not take more than two doses.
Shake bottle. The above amount would cost about 30 cents.
Spirits of Camphor 1 ounce
Spirits of Origanum 1 dram
Oil of Sassafras 1 dram
Oleum Terebinth 2 drams
Color Tincture (about) 2 ounces
Mix. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Chloroform 3 drams
Tincture Opii 3 drams
Tincture Camphor 3 drams
Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 3 drams
Spirits Vini Gallici 4 ounces
Mix. Do not use internally. Good liniment.
The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
KICKAPOO INDIAN OIL. Camphor Gum 1/2 ounce troy
Oil Turpentine 1 fluid dram
Oil Peppermint 1/2 fluid dram
Oil of Wintergreen 1/2 fluid dram
Tincture Capsicum 1/2 fluid ounce
Alcohol sufficient to make 1 pint
The above amount would cost about 60 cents.
POISON OAK AND IVY. Zinci Oxide 1 dram
Bismuth Sub. Nit. 1 dram
Carbolic Acid 10 drops
Glycerin 2 ounces
Mix. This is excellent. There are a number of remedies, but this is the best known for poison oak. The above amount would cost about 20 cents.
Fluid Extract Phytolacca Decandra 1 ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla to make 8 ounces
Mix. For Chronic Rheumatism.
This is the oldest rheumatism remedy known. Rheumatism being a blood disease, requires constitutional treatment. The above amount would cost about 80 cents.
MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE. Saxoline Snow White 175 grains
White Wax 65 grains
Zinc Oxide 22-1/2 grains
Oxide of Mercury 2-1/2 grains
Oil of Lavender 5 drops
Melt the white wax and saxoline together, and stir constantly while cooling. As soon as the mass begins to solidify incorporate the oxides and oil of lavender.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
SCROFULA. Iodide Potash 192 grains
Fluid Extract Queen's Root 1 ounce
Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark 1/2 ounce
Fluid Extract Yellow Dock 1 ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 8 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times a day.
We do not claim this remedy will cure every case of scrofula, but will give relief, and if continued for several weeks will generally produce a cure. The above amount would cost about 75 cents.
MOTHER SIEGEL'S SYRUP. Conc. Decoction of Aloes (1 to 4) 60.0 m.
Borax 1.3 gm.
Capsicum, Powdered 0.13 gm.
Gentian, Powdered 2.3 gm.
Sassafras Oil 0.3 gm.
Wintergreen Oil 0.12 gm.
Rectified Spirits 7.5 gm.
Fluid Extract Taraxici 7.5 gm.
Syrup 125. gm.
The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
SCALD HEAD. Acidi Boracici 2 drams
Salol 2 drams
Balsam Peru 1 dram
Carbolic Acid 20 drops
Vaselin 1 ounce
Lanoline 2 ounces
Mix. This is excellent. First wash the head thoroughly with castile soap and apply morning and night. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 483] PATTERSON'S EMULSION OF PUMPKIN SEEDS.Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin Seeds is said to be a good emulsion for expelling tapeworms. Take two ounces of pumpkin seeds, peel and pound to a paste with sugar, then add by degrees eight fluid ounces of water, the whole to be taken in two or three draughts at short intervals. The above amount would cost about 25 cents or less.
TAPE WORM. Powdered Kamalia 3 drams
Syrup Simple 3 ounces
Mix. This is very good. Two doses of this mixture hardly ever fails to bring the worm. Give oil and turpentine two hours after the last dose.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
SOUTHERN CHOLERA CURE. Tincture Laudanum or Opii 1 ounce
Tincture Capsicum 1 ounce
Spirits Camphor 1 ounce
Chloroform 180 minims
Alcohol to make 5 ounces
Mix. Dose: One-half to one teaspoonful fifteen minutes apart for two doses or one-half to one teaspoonful every four hours. The above would cost about 40 cents.
Stillingia Root 1/4 lb.
Sarsaparilla Root 1/4 lb.
Yellow Dock Root. 1/4 lb.
Sassafras Bark 2 ounces
Simple Syrup 1 qt.
Diluted Alcohol 4 ounces.
Iodide of Potassa 1/4 lb.
Water sufficient
Percolate roots and bark with diluted alcohol, add syrup, then iodide of potassa. Dissolve in water to make 6 gallons. The above amount, six gallons, would cost about $2.00.
TOOTHACHE. Gum Camphor 1 grain
Chloral Hydrate 1 grain
Oil of Cloves 2 drams
Chloroform to make 1 ounce
Mix. Put on some cotton and put around the tooth. No physician can give a better prescription for toothache than this.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Cayenne Pepper 2 ounces
Gum Opium 1-3/5 ounces
Gum Benzoin 1-1/5 ounces
Gum Guaiac 3/5 ounce
Gum Camphor 2 ounces
Alcohol enough to make 1 gallon
The above amount would cost about $3.50 or 45 cents per pint.
WHOOPING COUGH. Extract Belladonna 1 grain
Powdered Alum 1/2 dram
Mucilage Acacia 1 ounce
Syrup Scillae 1/2 ounce
Syrup Simple to make 4 ounces
Mix. Dose: Ten drops to use for whooping cough. It has been in use for years and some of our best doctors employ it in their practice. The above amount would cost about 30 cents.
BRODIE'S LINIMENT FOR ASTHMA. Oil of Queen's Root 4 drams
Oil of Cajeput 2 drams
Oil of Lobelia 1 dram
Alcohol 1 ounce
Mix. Bathe the chest and throat three times a day. The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
JOHNSON'S LINIMENT. Chloroform 4 drams
Sulph. Ether 4 drams
Oil Spearmint 2-1/2 drams
Oil of Wintergreen 2-1/2 drams
Tincture Myrrh 1 ounce
Tincture Capsicum 1 ounce
Tincture Arnica 1 ounce
Water of Ammonia 2 ounces
Alcohol enough to make 32 ounces
Mix. The above amount would cost about $1.10.
SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Powdered Hydrastis Canadensis 1 ounce
Powdered Borax 10 grains
Sodium Chloride 10 grains
Ferro-cyanuret of Iron sufficient to color
Mix. The above is the formula of Dr. Sage, and sold by him to Dr. Pierce, of New York, for $500.00. The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 485] SAUL'S CATARRH REMEDY. Tincture of Benzoin Compound 1 ounce
Tincture of Tolu 1 ounce
Chloroform 1/2 dram
Sulphuric Ether 1/2 dram
Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia 4 drams
Oil of Tar 1/2 dram
Rectified Spirits
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