Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗
- Author: Thomas Jefferson Ritter
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Book online «Mother's Remedies - Thomas Jefferson Ritter (guided reading books .txt) 📗». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter
One green paneled bottle contains seven and one-half fluid ounces of a brownish-yellow, semi-clear, very sweet, thickish liquid, of a tarry odor, and pronounced taste and smell of chloroform. From a close examination we have ascertained that an exactly similar preparation is easily made In the following way:
Rub well together:—
Liquid Tar 5 grains
Fluid Extract Hemlock 1 fluid dram
Powdered White Sugar 2 ounces av.
and add
Alcohol 1/2 fluid ounce
Aquae 1-1/2 fluid ounces
Molasses 3 ounces av.
Fluid Extract Ipecac 8 minims
Mix well and add finally
Chloroform 1 fluid dram
Mix. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Elixir Valerian 1 ounce
Simple Syrup to make 4 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful at once. In ten minutes another, and afterward every four hours for twenty-four hours or less.
When there is fluttering or palpitation of the heart, do not get excited but use the above, it is the best thing you can use in this trouble.
The above amount would cost about 30 cents.
Burgundy Pitch 1 ounce
Beeswax 1 ounce
Mutton Tallow 1 ounce
Oil of Hemlock 2 drams
Balsam Fir 2 drams
Oil Origanum 2 drams
Oil of Red Cedar 2 drams
Venice Turpentine, 2 drams
Oil Wormwood 1/2 dram
Copper Acetate 2 drams
Melt the first articles together, and add the oils; having rubbed up the copper acetate with a little oil, put it in with the other articles, stirring well; then put into cold water and work until cold enough to roll.
The above amount, over thirty-six ounces, would cost about 50 cents.
IRON TONIC BITTERS. Elixir Calisay and Iron 4 ounces
Alcohol 1 ounce
Pure Water 2 ounces
Syrup Simple 1 ounce
Mix. Dose: One teaspoonful four times a day.
The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
Oil Cedar 1 ounce
Oil Amber 1 ounce
Take camphor gum one-half ounce; rub in a mortar with alcohol or sulphuric ether till pulverized, and while damp add
Oleum Olivi 1/2 ounce
Turpentine 1/2 ounce
Laudanum 1/2 ounce
After which add the first three articles. The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
ITCH OINTMENT. Lac. Sulphur 160 grains
Naphthaline 10 grains
Oil Bergamot 4 drops
Cosmoline 1 ounce
This is good.
Rub Lac. Sulphur into fine powder, sift it into the melted cosmoline and stir until nearly cool, then add napthaline and oil bergamot. Stir until cool.
The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Ginger Powdered 3 ounces
Capsicum, powdered 1/2 ounce
Mix. The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce
Fluid Extract Uva Ursi 1 ounce
Fluid Extract Buchu 1 ounce
Tincture Gentian Compound 1/2 ounce
Syrup Simplicis to make 16 ounces
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful four times daily or less dose if bowels move too freely.
The above amount would cost about 80 cents.
DR. B. W. HAIR'S ASTHMA CURE: Potassii Iodidi 1 ounce
Tar Water 16 fluid ounces
Carmel sufficient to color light brown or about 30 grains
The above amount would cost about 60 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 479] LINIMENT. Chloroform 3 drams
Oil Cloves 1 dram
Tincture Opii 1 ounce
Oil Sassafras 2 drams
Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 2 drams
Alcohol to make 6 ounces
Mix. This is excellent.
This liniment is for household use; in sprains, bruises, cuts, and bites from insects it cannot be excelled. It is a very fine liniment to keep on hand.
The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
HALL'S HAIR RENEWER. Sulphur Precipitated 1/2 dram
Lead Acetate 1/2 dram
Sodium Chloride 1 dram
Glycerin 4 ounces
Bay rum 1 ounce
Jamaica rum 2 ounces
Water enough to make 8 ounces
The above amount, nearly pint, would cost about 35 cents.
LINIMENT. Camphor Gum 1/2 ounce
Tincture of Capsid 1/2 ounce
Oil of Turpentine 1/4 ounce
Water Ammonia, U. S. P 5 ounces
Alcohol enough to make 12 ounces
Dissolve camphor gum and turpentine in alcohol and add balance of ingredients. Do not use internally. The above amount would cost about 35 cents.
HAMBURG DROPS. Powdered Socotrine Aloes 1-1/2 ounces
American Saffron 1/2 ounce
Tincture Myrrh 16 ounces
Macerate for fourteen days and filter through paper.
The above amount would cost about $1.00.
LIVER PILLS. Aloin 5 grains
Podophyllin 10 grains
Capsicum Powder 5 grains
Extract Nux Vomica 10 grains
Henbane 1 grain
Mix. Make fifty pills. Dose: Take one or two at night.
This little pill is one which you can always depend on and in old chronic cases, torpid liver and constipated bowels, these pills if kept up will make a permanent cure. The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
Gum Camphor 1 ounce
Oil Sassafras 1/2 ounce
Tincture Myrrh 1/2 ounce
Tincture Capsicum 1/2 ounce
Chloroform 1/2 ounce
I consider this recipe as harmless (and useful too) as Hamlin's famous
Wizard Oil, and I believe it is as perfect an analysis as we can get.
The above amount would cost about 60 cents.
NEW YORK SUN CHOLERA CURE. Essence Peppermint 1 ounce
Laudanum 1 ounce
Tincture Rhei 1 ounce
Tincture Camphor 1 ounce
Tincture Capsicum 1 ounce
Mix. Dose: Teaspoonful every ten minutes for three doses if necessary.
This preparation has a national reputation, and is certainly the very best preparation you could keep on hand for immediate relief from cramps, colic, and diarrhea, and no family should be without it. This preparation alone is worth the price of the book.
The above amount would cost about 50 cents.
HINKLEY'S BONE LINIMENT. Oil of Wormwood 40 minims
Oil of Hemlock 2 drams
Oil of Thyme 2 drams
Oil of Turpentine 4 drams
Fluid Extract Capsicum 1 dram
Alcohol to make 4 ounces
Mix. The above amount would cost about 25 cents.
Tincture Chloride of Iron 1 ounce
Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 1 ounce
Compound Spirits Lavender l ounce
Mix. Good when run down. Dose: Fifteen drops four times a day.
People suffering from nervousness, fainting spells or shortness of breath, can obtain relief from a few doses of this medicine. The above amount would cost about 30 cents.
[PATENT MEDICINES 481] HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.The formula for this preparation is said to be:
Yellow Wax 2-1/2 drams
White Wax 2-1/2 drams
Terebinth 6 drams
Lard 13 drams
Sweet Oil 19 drams
Mix. The above amount would cost about 40 cents.
NEURALGIA. Acetanilid 160 grains
Sodium Bicarbonate 15 grains
Tartaric Acid 5 grains
Simple Elixir
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